The Importance Of Emotional Support For Hospitalized Children

Hospitals are not exactly the happiest places or where anyone would choose to be. However, sometimes there is no other option. How important is support for children going through this situation? We’ll tell you then.
The importance of emotional support for hospitalized children

Staying in a hospital for a few hours, days or weeks is an experience that no one wants. Whoever has not lived it does not envy it either. For hospitalized children, this can be a very traumatic experience if they do not have the family support they need.

In fact, having a hard time facing the endless and often painful process of recovery during a hospital stay can lead to a rejection of doctors, medicine or health centers.

This could be extended for many years, so it is advisable to do everything possible to make it, over time, just one more anecdote.

In addition to dealing with their illness, which is often enough, many children have to go through painful situations under these circumstances.

This only deepens her sadness. It could even cause your mood to lead to even more health complications. As parents, then, we must take into account certain recommendations so that hospitalized children do not experience this stage as total suffering.

Comforting Hospitalized Children

Moral support and affection are essential, as in many other stages of life. However, we must also keep them entertained, active (where possible) listened to. Here are some tips to achieve it.

  • Interact with him constantly. Listen to him, tell him what he has, how it will heal, how long it will take etc. Hiding things from him unnecessarily will only cause him to worry.
  • Show unconditional support. It is vitally important that you do not feel a burden. Show him that you are there because you care and want to see him well. The last thing you need to do is realize that you’ve upset your entire family’s plans, especially if they miss a special occasion or celebration.
Support for hospitalized children is essential for their recovery.
  • Pamper him with gifts. Nobody can take extra pampering every now and then. Especially, of course, the children. You can bring him a portable video game, a toy, a book or whatever best suits his preferences.
  • Encourage him to stay active. If the doctors approve, you can bring him homework, a coloring book, or drawing supplies. Stimulating your mind during this physical inactivity will do you good and keep you sharp.
  • Invite your friends. Again, you will require a doctor’s approval for this. It would be a great boost to see that his friends are waiting for him and that everything will continue as it was when he comes out.

Although most of these tips apply best to a long hospital stay, you can also apply them when it is only a few hours.

Remember that all children are different. The experiences lived have an uneven impact according to the personality of each one.

Parents must show strength

What you should keep in mind in these cases is that your child is going through an unpleasant situation, which may also be new to him.  This is why you should be understanding if they are uncooperative or continually complaining.

Just as important is that you send him signs of strength. Although it is a situation that can cause anguish, concern or even fear about what the child may be suffering, you must control yourself.

Imagine that if he sees you weakened, he will have a double concern: his health, first, and the suffering he causes his mother, later.

The hospital stay can be very boring for children.

Some activities for fun

Returning to the playful level, lifting the spirits of hospitalized children is everyone’s job. First of all, as a doctor and nurses.

They must have a kind, affectionate and cordial treatment with the child. In many cases, the closeness that occurs is such that a bond is formed that continues in their lives.

On the other hand, parents, siblings and other relatives. Your task, in addition to what has been explained above, will be to prevent the child from getting bored or depressed. For that, they can use any of the following activities that can be done without even getting out of bed:

  • Playing cards: traditional, but effective. This method of fun continues to be popular, especially for these kinds of circumstances, where physical limitations prevent other types of games.
  • Laptops: just as we talked about portable consoles before, you can also bring him a computer to play games or watch his favorite series. When the hours go by slowly, technology can be a great ally.
  • Mobile applications: today’s children can spend hours playing with their mobile. Although it is not ideal, you can give it some extra concession. You must, however, ensure that this does not disturb their rest.
  • Board games: you can evaluate the facilities available to mount the game you have. They are an ideal way to hang out. In addition, it will also make things easier for the companions, who also suffer the stress of this process.

Although none of these recommendations is the solution to the illness or ailment that affects the child, which after all is the main thing, they will undoubtedly work.

Bad times are when we need comfort and companionship the most. Hospitalized children, of course, need it much more.

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