7 Tips For Organizing A Family Reunion

It takes time for the people who love us to let them know how much we value them.
7 tips for organizing a family reunion

Organizing a family reunion is a task that requires several factors such as order, enthusiasm, patience, added to a good dose of motivation and the desire to share and spend quality time with loved ones.

One of the most effective (and most enjoyable) ways to bring the family together is through regular meetings. Many families have a habit of meeting, at least once a month. Of course, in the end everything will depend on the circumstances, the possibilities, the will and the disposition of each member of the family.

As is well known: “when priorities are clear, decisions are easy . This is the first factor to take into account when organizing a family reunion. Take some time to figure out what your priorities are and imagine how you want the reunion with your family to go. The visualization of our desires will help us to reach the goal.

On the other hand, the most difficult task is to make the family’s schedules coincide; that is, to ensure that everyone can be at the same time and in the same place to enjoy together. In this sense, you will have to talk with your loved ones to be able to specify a day and a time that everyone can.

In addition to this, a good idea is to organize these meetings as a group ; that is, with the support of other family members interested in celebrating some time together. In this way, there are different points of view and the so-called “brainstorming” is easily generated with which many questions are resolved.

When organizing a family reunion, you must take into account each other's agendas and find a middle ground between them.

7 keys to organizing a family reunion

One of the benefits of seeing each other frequently is that it fosters good communication between family members, and in other cases, it improves. The affective bond between all members will be strengthened, something that will make everyone want to participate and seek solutions to organize the family reunion.

If what you want is to create a family tradition where you all meet regularly, this is an excellent idea! Family moments are those that will make you feel true happiness in your heart. Therefore, take advantage of the following tips to organize a family reunion in the best way.

Organize your time

Like almost all aspects of your life, organization and planning will be key to holding a meeting in which all family members can be integrated so that no one is left out or bored in a corner. Keep in mind that, if you set yourself short goals, you can achieve what you want.

But first of all, it will be important that you think about the time you have. In this way, when you talk about it with your family members, you will know what your availability is and what you can contribute. Think about how you organize your time and what you can do to make room in case you have a tight schedule. 

Set the date and time of the family reunion ahead of time

Family meetings must be held at a date and time that has been previously agreed with all members of the group.  In general, Sundays of each month are a good day to meet; and get together to eat something delicious, it is always a nice excuse to see each other and share.

But if for whatever reason Sundays are not a good option, talk with your family to find alternatives in which everyone feels good. Imposing a day just because it suits you is not usually a good option. It is necessary to reach a consensus in which everyone feels part of the decision made. 

Someone must take the lead

You can establish a different family member as the “leader” of each meeting. Thus, each member can lead and perform the meeting service and bring a touch of their personality to each meeting. It is also good to divide the tasks according to the abilities and tastes of each one. This will help make the task of organizing a family reunion easy and smooth.

This is also a good idea because this way, everyone will have responsibility in each family reunion. If only one person is in charge of all family gatherings, it can generate emotional fatigue in the person in charge and resentment in other members who may also want to lead a family gathering.

Encourage an environment of good communication

All family members should have absolute freedom to express their ideas and feelings. Try to foster an environment that encourages good communication. It is always good to remember those old, but wise rules of the good speaker and the good listener. This will help keep your conversations orderly and respectful.

Another way to promote good communication is to moderate the topics, try to avoid toxic conversations, full of criticism and interruptions. These types of conversations should be eradicated from family environments, as they are not positive. It is important that environments where honest and positive feelings and thoughts are shared are nurtured.

you don't need to be overwhelmed to organize a family reunion.

Minimize the length of each meeting

Family gatherings are sometimes extended. But if these are of a communicative nature, they should not last more than 20 or 30 minutes so that nobody gets bored. But if the family is having fun and there is plenty of time to share and everyone wants it, time will fly by without them noticing.

Take advantage of meetings to set goals and share plans

The good atmosphere that family reunions create helps you start planning important and fun activities like the next vacation or setting individual or team goals. They are also a good setting to discuss positive events, as well as to discuss the efforts that the family has made to achieve certain goals.

During the meetings, the time can be used to recognize or reward progress with respect to the projects that are proposed or completed. One of the benefits of seeing each other so often is that communication between family members improves.

Important decisions only belong to adults

If in any of these meetings there is the opportunity to have to make an important decision, in the face of a relevant or risky situation, the little ones must understand and accept that it is the parents who have the last word.

Although it has been said that the goal of family reunions is an environment of free expression, a child does not have the judgment and the wisdom to make important decisions, they can have an opinion and they should be listened to, but the final word will always be of the Adults.

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