How To Know If My Child Is Addicted To Mobile

More and more children and adolescents are hooked and addicted to mobile phones. Is your son one of them? Find out!
How to know if my child is addicted to mobile

Is your child constantly on the phone and always connected to the network? Do you think he is addicted to mobile? Next, we help you discover if your child has a serious problem related to the use of the mobile phone.

But first we are going to clarify the concept of “mobile phone addiction” also known as “nomophobia”, which comes from the English expression “no-mobile-phone phobia” . This term refers to the irrational fear that some people feel when they are without a mobile for a period of time.

This is as worrisome as gambling or drug addiction. Therefore, as mothers, fathers or educators, we have to pay attention to this technological disease that is increasingly common among adolescents in our society.

Teens and mobile use

At present, most adolescents use the mobile phone to socialize, surf the Internet, spend free time, etc.

Child playing in bed with mobile.

In fact, according to the FEPAD (Foundation for the Study, Prevention and Assistance to Drug Addiction), more than 80% of children at 12 years of age have their own mobile and at 17, practically 100% of adolescents have one .

But, at these ages, are they trained to make responsible use of it? It all depends on the education and training that they have been given on the subject.

How do I know if my child is addicted to mobile phones?

To find out if your child makes abusive use of the mobile, you can take into account the following criteria specified by the FEPAD:

  • You use your mobile excessively ; His perception of time becomes altered and affects his routine life.
  • Shows withdrawal syndrome ; You experience symptoms such as irritability, tension or anxiety when you cannot be with the mobile phone.
  • He shows signs of tolerance, that is, he needs to use his mobile phone for longer and longer to feel satisfied.
  • Shows problems establishing healthy social relationships ; This can occur both in the family context, at school and with friends.

Does your child meet most of these requirements? If so, we recommend that, to make sure, you encourage them to complete an online test that the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users) has made available to the population to identify possible abusive or problematic uses related to the use of electronic devices, like mobile.

This is the MULTICAGE-TIC questionnaire, prepared by a team of researchers from the Institute of Addictions and the Center for the Prevention of Cognitive Impairment of the Madrid City Council, the Complutense University of Madrid and the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid.

This evaluation test is made up of 20 simple questions that your child will answer in a short period of time. Click here to access it!

Teenager addicted to mobile phone consulting his social networks.

What to do if I discover that my child is addicted to mobile?

In the event that everything indicates that your child is abusing the mobile phone, it is time to make certain decisions and start doing something about it.

The first thing to do is talk to him with total sincerity, show understanding and explain that, for the sake of his health, it is necessary to solve this problem. Of course, this conversation should take place in an appropriate environment in which both parties are willing to express themselves calmly.

Once this conversation has taken place, it is convenient to start setting rules related to the use of mobile phones ; These rules can be agreed upon through the technique of negotiation.

Likewise, if the problem is considered to be very serious, it is advisable to go to a specialist on the subject to treat the child’s or adolescent’s mobile addiction properly.

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