33rd Week Of Pregnancy

It is time to request maternity leave to share more time with the family and prepare for the arrival of the baby. Reduce travel to a minimum and final details for delivery.
Pregnancy week 33

By week 33 of pregnancy, the baby should already be in its final position, ideally upside down. Many of your organs are working properly and ready for the external environment. It is the perfect time to ask for maternity leave and spend all your time preparing for the arrival of the new member of the family.

During this week the amniotic fluid reaches its maximum volume peak. Then it will decrease little by little.

Do you have doubts about everything that is happening with your baby and with you in this interesting stage? Here’s what you need to know. Keep reading!

Baby development in week 33 of pregnancy

You sure feel great knowing how the baby grows! It can measure up to 17 inches now and weigh around 2,000 grams; about the same size as a cabbage.

The bone marrow (that small space inside the bones) is already fulfilling its main function: to produce blood cells, such as red blood cells. Studies explain that this process begins in the first weeks in the blood islets of the yolk sac; towards the fourth month the function is assumed by the liver and now by the bone marrow.

A baby attentive to external stimuli

If you had an Echosonogram done right now, you might notice your little one putting his thumb in his mouth. This is not a bad habit! It is only the response it has to the amount of stimuli that the brain is already capable of correctly capturing and processing.

According to publications on the evolution of the brain throughout gestation, at this stage and until the end of pregnancy, neurons decrease, since those that are not active are eliminated. It is a natural process and there is no reason to be alarmed by this fact.

Week 33 is ideal to enjoy with the family.
Nothing like living the growth of your baby with your partner! Take advantage of these moments, because they are unique.

Changes in the mother at week 33 of pregnancy

From an emotional point of view, you are likely to begin to question some aspects of this stage of your life, especially if you are a newcomer. From the financial responsibilities of having a child to the changes in social relationships that you will have to follow from now on.

However, it is important that you focus on the beautiful moments that you are about to live, especially if you have the opportunity to feel accompanied as a family. These are days that will not be repeated in the same way, so having a good time is vital for your health and that of the baby.

Frequent symptoms

In week 33 you are likely to experience some very different sensations than those that have occurred before. We tell you which are those most common signs:

  • Braxton-Hicks contractions : These are not painful and are concentrated in your lower abdomen. The common is that they appear several weeks before, but you may notice them much more now. You must remain calm, as it is a reaction of the uterus that is preparing for delivery. In case they are very annoying, go to the doctor.
  • Nausea and vomiting : it would not be usual for these symptoms to abound now, but it can be. The mechanism is not the same as in the first trimester, but they are more associated with the pressure of the uterus on the digestive system.
  • Digestive discomfort: you may have discomfort in the pit of the stomach or suffer from reflux after eating. There is gas and abdominal pain from flatulence. And is that the intestine has less room for peristalsis.
  • Sciatic pain : this term is used to describe pain located in the territory of the sciatic nerve. It originates a little lower than the lumbar region and is distributed throughout the lower limbs. Belly weight is the main culprit.
  • Urination problems : the bigger your baby is, the more it will compress your bladder. It is natural that you really want to go to the bathroom. You should avoid, as much as possible, holding on, since that is a risk factor for urinary infections.
  • Shortness of breath: your organs are increasingly compressed and it will be normal for you to become fatigued and have difficulty breathing. Especially when the baby changes position a bit.

Tips and recommendations in week 33 of pregnancy

If your obstetrician indicated a medical consultation for this week, go without fail. It is likely that you have requested some complementary studies (complete hematology, clotting times or serologies for infectious diseases). They may also just have scheduled you for a routine evaluation.

If you have risk factors for premature birth, the doctor will plan the consultations with a little more rigor, in order to ensure the correct evolution of the pregnancy. So do not forget to comply with the instructions given.

It is important that you continue to eat healthy. This is in order for your body to cope with childbirth in the best way and to recover in the puerperium more quickly.

Remember that studies indicate that the intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamins and folic acid throughout pregnancy guarantees optimal growth of the baby and reduces the risks of premature birth.

Discover pain control techniques

Just two months after delivery, it ‘s time for you to meet and learn some relaxation techniques. Research has reviewed its benefits during pregnancy and the stage of labor.

Among these, deep breathing techniques stand out, since forced lung dynamics can induce hyperventilation that hinders the passage of oxygen to the placenta. These issues are often addressed in childbirth preparation courses.

You can also talk with your partner and your doctor about the possibility of accessing medications for when you start labor, such as epidural anesthesia. Before making any decision, you must be very well informed of the benefits and contraindications.

Frequently asked questions in week 33 of pregnancy

Surely your mind is full of many doubts right now. We have decided to clarify some important aspects this week.

1. What happens if my baby does not take the cephalic position?

The baby has several weeks to assume the cephalic position naturally and on his own. Now, if you are in the breech or transverse position now, the gynecologist can practice an external cephalic version, which is a valid maneuver to try to turn the baby.

If the attempt fails, alternatives to natural childbirth will be evaluated. A cesarean section may be indicated if the risks of delivery due to the position of the baby exceed the safety margins.

2. Is it time to ask for maternity leave?

In week 33 it is convenient to leave some responsibilities.
Applying for maternity leave is a likely solution to many stressful problems at this stage.

In many countries, maternity leave can be requested in week 33. Usually 4 months are granted, which allows you to be out of work stress to fully focus on your child and the rest of your family.

This varies according to local laws. Each State has provisions that determine the time of discharge and the starting point, both in public and private spheres.

3. Should I take precautions if I am going to travel?

Remember that it is about 2 months or less until your baby is born, so any accidental health problems can lead to premature labor. If you are going to travel, take all your important medical documents and the identification of your health provider with you.

Although moving around is not a contraindication, it is time to avoid unnecessary movements. Travel by means of transport when there are no other alternatives and you cannot postpone the trip.

Week 33 of pregnancy, it is not long now!

You are already in the final stretch of your pregnancy, that is undeniable. Share everything you can with your partner and family. Let go of negative feelings and do not surround yourself with toxic environments.

Your baby is sensitive to the outside world and what he needs most is a problem-free place. Do not forget to go to the doctor regularly and ask any questions that arise.

Reduce fluid retention during pregnancy

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