This Mother Teaches Us How To Calm A Tantrum In 5 Steps

Calming tantrums can become a real challenge for many mothers or fathers. In this article we give you some practical advice to achieve it in the best possible way.
This mom teaches us how to defuse a tantrum in 5 steps

Calming a tantrum is usually not easy. However, a mother was able to verify that they could be controlled. You learned that instead of reacting to your child’s tantrums, you should remain calm. Otherwise it would be much worse for both her and the little one, the problem instead of diminishing, it grew.

For this reason, she has used methods that have helped her keep her son in check in that regard. She has found that showing the way she tries to solve the problem could help many mothers. The important thing is that they do not lose control and face the situation with patience.

5 steps to defuse a tantrum

The following recommendations were transmitted by a mother from mother’s instinct and behavior. Apparently it has worked for other mothers too. Here’s how he does it.

Step 1: Breathe and stay calm

First of all, you must breathe deeply. It is very important to remain calm to be able to give a sensible explanation to the little one of why things are happening.

If you do not have patience with the child, it is very likely that the response to his tantrums will be yelling and scolding. Anger almost never solves the problem, on the contrary, it seriously worsens it. Both the mother and the child will be in an unpleasant tension and prevents good communication.


Step 2: give an explanation

Explain to the child with affection and great firmness the reason why his wishes cannot be fulfilled. This is especially important when you have these types of behaviors. Emphasize that with this attitude you will not achieve anything, since you will not get what you want.

Generally, in some cases this works, the important thing is to create a communication link between parents and children. From now on, communication will be convenient to control this situation whenever they arise. If the situation gets out of control you should go to the next step.

Step 3: pick him up and hug him

The child needs to be controlled in these situations. If it falls to the ground and kicks, it is recommended to lift it firmly with great care. Try to hug him for a moment so that he feels calm. This may calm you down as long as you are given a good explanation. It is always recommended that it be a valid reason why your demands cannot be met.

It is important to make it clear that the child’s tantrums and screams have no power over the mothers or fathers. It can be ignored for a moment to make you feel like you have no power to engage in such behaviors. After this you can redirect your attention.

Step 4: Create a distraction

If it is observed that the child will start with his tantrum, try to turn his attention elsewhere. For example, having toys in the purse to be able to control the child, trying to talk about other things such as school, his classmates, telling him a joke. Anything that takes your attention away from what you want can work right now.

Some mothers already know in advance when their child will have a tantrum. This allows them to use the distraction technique with great success. Children mostly have their attention short enough, so they can be easily diverted.

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Step 5: speak again

It is very common to lose patience with these types of situations, but it is not the way to educate them. It takes a lot of work to get to the point of calm and serenity but it is not impossible. Once the crying has stopped, you can have a quiet conversation at home alone. It is essential to find ways for you to understand and understand that what you did was wrong.

Talking about the matter allows you to listen to their emotions and feelings, know what they think, pay close attention to their expressions. It is important to make it clear to the child that we cannot allow this to happen again.

Regardless of age, the child’s understanding should not be underestimated, so do not be afraid to give reasons. The more reasonable the explanations are, the faster you will stop throwing tantrums.

This will help the child to be tolerant, that when he grows up he can communicate with others without losing his temper. It will bring good results.

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