Benefits Of Positive Parenting

Positive reinforcement, the capacity for empathy, the absence of all kinds of physical or verbal violence at home, are factors that promote a healthy lifestyle in our children and a good development. The term with which we can encompass all these types of actions is this: positive parenting.
Benefits of positive parenting

If parenting is a bond that is built like any other, why not bet on a parenting model based on empathy, respect and loving treatment ? The benefits of positive parenting are perceived in the short term (almost immediately) and last throughout the adult life of the children.

The scream, the blow, the violence … transmit very negative foundations to children, both for the present and for the future. On the other hand, building from positive parenting frees them and opens many paths for them. Of course, the change towards this new parenting paradigm must be accepted as a commitment of the whole family.

What is positive parenting?

The principles of this model, which extends from home upbringing to educational and institutional, are not in themselves complex. On the contrary, they are few and very simple. It is important to rule out all kinds of authoritarian actions, arbitrary and rigid systems, and helplessness itself.

In practice, it is necessary to carry out an exercise to  learn to see, empathize and understand childhood. In fact, it is the child who must be at the center of every decision, word and action within the daily life of a home, school and even society.

Some essential tips

For all the above, among the central points of this philosophy are the following:

  • Avoid punishment, threats, yelling, as they only have bad influences on child development. The benefits of positive parenting translate, in the long term, into women and men who do not act out of fear, but out of ethical conviction.
  • Empathize. Ask the children how they feel, what they think, what they need, trying to understand the way they perceive the world.
  • Provide security.  Children need to feel protected and valued. In macho cultures, it often happens that boys are not comforted or protected, even when they ask for it. However, this abandonment only reinforces the inequality between women and men.
  • Show affection openly.  Not just hugs and kisses; The little ones also feel loved when they are listened to, when quality moments are shared with them, when they are given space.
    Showing affection openly is one of the benefits of positive parenting.
  • Provide a framework for action and containment.  The rules of coexistence must always be clear and transparent; it is a mistake to believe that this parenting model “lacks limits.” On the contrary, one of the greatest benefits of positive parenting is that children internalize the rules in a healthy way.
  • Create a coexistence with a democratic sense.  Life, at home or at school, must be based on the consensus achieved by loving persuasion and ongoing understanding.

Benefits of positive parenting

Experts contemplate, when delving into this parenting model, the degree of “parental stress” in families. In this sense, the parents who adhere to this model will be more satisfied with the upbringing.

With this type of measures that favor positive parenting, assertiveness, communication and the resolution of problems and conflicts are improved. So the benefits act on the entire family group.

Consequences of studies carried out

The authors of the different studies carried out mention the following benefits:

  • The optimal development of the child or adolescent is promoted  in a climate of harmony and good treatment with their parents and caregivers.
  • Unlike permissive or authoritarian models, the possibility of a “democratic style” of upbringing and education  opens the way for the minor to understand and participate in the rules of coexistence.
    Benefits of positive parenting.

  • As the child gains confidence through respectful parenting, he becomes more self-efficient. In other words, you will know how to put into practice what you learn in different areas.
  • A resounding decrease in antisocial behaviors is observed in children and adolescents, that is, children acquire self-control.
  • Parental stress is reduced.  Fear of parenting failure or guilt fades when each step of parenting is based on empathy, respect, trust, and clear rules.

    In conclusion, the benefits of positive parenting begin to be seen immediately in everyday interactions within the home. The democratic style, the clear rules and the lack of any type of violence  open a bright horizon, not only for those well-raised children, but for the whole environment.

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