Reality And Fantasy, How Do Children See It?

Reality and fantasy can be difficult to differentiate for the little ones in the home. In this article we help you to know how to instruct your children in this regard.
Reality and fantasy, how do children see it?

Our children conceive the world and reality in a different way than adults. Sometimes we can worry when we think that the little one goes beyond the limits of the imaginary. However, be calm as this is totally normal.

Children constantly turn to fantasy for fun and expression. This is a practice that according to experts starts from the age of three, or even a little earlier.

Imagining is a distraction mechanism where the little one unloads a set of emotions and ideas.

Sometimes they wonder if all this behavior is normal for the little one. The first thing we must know is that certainly the open manifestation of this ability is very common in childhood.

In this sense, our only duty is to be attentive and help the little ones to differentiate what is real and what is a fantasy. Below we clarify some doubts that arise regarding this issue

We must become part of their world so that children feel confident

The role of parents in fantasy and reality

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It is essential to understand that our children do not have the same maturity as an adult. For this reason, we must make ourselves part of their world so that they feel confident when asking us any questions. Playing with them and giving them ideas as they reenact stories will make them feel like they have an accomplice in their fantasy.

On the other hand, it is necessary that you do not just watch while they play. On the contrary, it is good that sometimes you participate in their adventures. It does not matter if you have tea in the garden or be an ice cream superhero, the best thing is to get into their world and share those high doses of creativity.

What you should never do is question him or intervene abruptly, unless you see that his imagination could lead him to take some danger.

We speak of violent role-playing games or with dangerous objects. It is in these types of situations that you must make him understand what reality is like.

How to help them distinguish reality?

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We should not fight against the imagination during childhood since it is pleasant for our children. But what we can do is explain to them the scope of the unreal.

For example, if your child is afraid of a fictional character, it is advisable to explain that he himself does not exist in real life. This will prevent you from having a bad nightmare at night.

You can also explain what happens to things that do exist. So when, for example, he shows fear for sharks, you will indicate that they are in the deepest part of the ocean and that they can hardly ever attack people.  You have to tell them the difference between a serious conversation and a game.

Looking for real solutions to everyday situations is not a bad idea either. This means that if we happen to be injured on the road, we can ask you for an opinion on what to do. It will not be strange that on some occasion he tells you that you should call the Hulk to pick up your car and take it directly to the mechanic.

Benefits of imagination

Expressing fantasy is a great advantage that childhood innocence offers us. First, it increases distraction and entertainment, which is ideal for children who spend a lot of time at home.

In addition, intelligence is stimulated because the child’s intellectual activity is exercised and the concepts learned are reinforced. Another positive aspect is that the child will not always depend on digital devices for his amusement.

Video games, the Internet and television are good but they cannot be the only thing. Avoid making your child addicted to technology and invite him to play with action figures or play sports.

In short, with fantasy creativity, psycho-motor activities, emotions, values, leadership and even decision-making are stimulated. So don’t be surprised by something your child imagines during playtime or leisure time. Let him have the experience of creating his own world and being the hero of his own story.

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