8 Exercises For The Development Of The Baby From 7 To 9 Months

Performing exercises to improve psychomotor development is very important. Babies have to achieve small achievements and, with these exercises, they will achieve them even earlier.
8 exercises for the development of the baby from 7 to 9 months

A baby stimulated and exercised regularly will reach the expected milestones of his stage before those who do not exercise. In addition, this will positively influence your psychomotor and cognitive development. So, in the following lines we are going to see, specifically, exercises for the development of the baby from 7 to 9 months.

During these three months, the baby is more independent ; He will no longer need Mom or Dad to approach him because he can reach them by crawling. In the seventh month he begins to understand words and their meaning and, towards the end of the ninth month, some children are able to pronounce their first words.

Psychomotor development of the baby from 7 to 9 months

In this third trimester of the baby’s life, we can already see that he is more of a person and less of a baby. During this stage, their movements begin to be intentional, which favors their psychomotor development.

At 7 months

  • He explores the objects in his hands and turns them around to observe them.
  • You can sit for a while.
  • If we put him sitting, he can support his hands forward.
  • It is able to roll when lying on its stomach and turn onto its back.
    Mom playing with her baby for his development.

At 8 months

  • With objects or toys that are far away, he makes the intention of wanting to catch them.
  • He begins to experiment with the objects in his hands ; He throws them on the ground to see how they fall and what noise they make.
  • It begins to crawl on the ground to be able to reach those objects that it does not have within reach.
  • If we put him upside down, he can separate one of his hands from the ground.
  • If he’s lying down and holding onto something, he manages to sit up by himself.
  • Some children are already crawling.

At 9 months

  • You already wave goodbye.
  • If you want someone to pick you up, raise your arms.
  • You can pick up small objects with your hands.
  • Use both hands to pick up objects and bump them together to make noise.
  • They already learn to sit by themselves.

Exercises for the development of the baby from 7 to 9 months

These exercises will be very useful to improve the development of your baby, as well as to promote other skills that he has to acquire during this period.

Climb over obstacles

These obstacles could be a rolled up rug or blanket, a small mattress or mat, a low bench, etc. The safest is that it climbs on us while we are lying down; You have to leave the little one on one side and let him climb over us to get to the other side, or else use the objects that we have said above and go over them.

Rings to help get up

We must do this exercise during the seventh month. For this, we can put some rings in the playpen in a static way, so that the child can hold on to them and get up. At first, we can help you, but then he has to be the one to sit up with the rings and stand up.

Get up with the bars of the crib

Another variant of the previous exercise consists of putting the child in his crib near the bars and showing him a toy on top. Thus, the little one has to hold on to the bars to get up and be able to reach the object that we are showing him from above.

Catch moving objects

We will show the baby a toy, but we will be shaking it. The objective is for the little one to pick it up while said object is in motion. When it succeeds, we can increase the difficulty a little by moving the toy faster and choosing larger objects.

Pick up objects that are inside a container

We put an object or toy that catches our child’s attention inside a box, basket or any other container and we put it in front of him. The objective is to get the child to reach in and take out what is inside. We can increase the difficulty by decreasing the diameter of the container and, thus, you will have to work from different positions with your arms.

More exercises for the development of the baby from 7 to 9 months

Mom doing exercises for the development of the baby from 7 to 9 months with her son.

Pick up small toys to develop fine motor skills

We will put small objects in front of the child so that with his fingers he can catch them. One very important thing in this exercise is that parents are attentive and do not put the object in their mouth.

This object can be a button, a stone, a marble, a chickpea … As they are small objects, they will force the child to use only their fingers to pick them up, so fine motor skills will be worked on.

At the beginning, we can put it on a soft surface, as it will be easier for you to hold the piece. Later, we can increase the difficulty by putting them on a harder surface.

Deliver toys or objects when we ask for it

We will place a few objects or toys in front of the little one and ask him to give them to us. We will reach out and wait for him to put the object on us. Surely we will not get him to release it, because at this age it is still difficult for him to do so, so we will take it from him and we will keep asking him for more.

This exercise aims to teach the child to direct his hand towards a goal which, in this case, will be the palm of our hand.


If we are preparing some dough for a meal, we can take advantage of it or make it exclusively for the little one to touch it, press it, stretch it … With this you will not only exercise the mobility of your fingers, but also your imagination.

About exercises for the development of the baby from 7 to 9 months

As you have seen, these are just some of the exercises for the development of the baby from 7 to 9 months, but there are many more that you can do with the little ones. Putting them into practice will ensure that your child progresses very positively in his development.

Take advantage of the fact that there is less and less baby and that he is more active to play with him with these exercises that, while entertaining him, favor his psychomotor development. What are you waiting for to put them into practice?

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