7 Things You Cannot Say To An Infertile Woman

7 things you can't say to an infertile woman

There are very difficult things for women today, but what can be really painful is when a woman wants to be a mother but cannot be. When a woman is infertile and cannot have children in the traditional way, it can be really painful for her, regardless of her life circumstances or her current personal and financial position.

For this reason, if you meet an infertile woman, it is essential that you empathize with their feelings so as not to hurt them. There are some things that you cannot say to a woman suffering from infertility in her life. Her greatest wish is to be a mother and not being able to be a mother in the way she wants is the most painful thing she can feel right now. Therefore, avoid saying any of the following phrases.

7 things you can’t say to an infertile woman

1. But if you are not married yet

True, a woman may not be married, or may not even plan to have a partner . Wanting to be a mother does not necessarily imply having a partner, you may have the desire to be a single mother. For this reason, if a woman suffers from infertility, do not remind her that she does not have a partner because she may not want to have one. And this, you must respect it to the maximum.

2. I know a woman who has what you have and learned to be well

No, it does not have what she does, because each person is a different world. There are many causes of infertility and many cases that can be solved and many others in which they cannot. You simply cannot compare one person with another, do not compare their suffering with another person … Respect their pain. Telling other people’s success stories can make the pain in your heart feel even stronger.

3. You are very young, you may have a baby later

Or not. It is not known. His pain is now, in the present. Perhaps you have known for a long time that you will not be able to have children and have been trying to conceive a child for as many years. It is not so much how old you are but the desire to be a mother. You should try by all means because it is what you want now, not in the future, not after 10 years. The maternal clock sounds at different times depending on each woman.

4. With the current advances you will surely achieve it

Maybe yes and maybe no. Although these words are well-intentioned and hopeful, the woman who wants to be a mother may find despair in these words. Although modern medicine has helped many people have babies, beat cancer, and heal injuries, this woman may be seriously worried about it… Assisted reproduction costs a lot of money and not everyone can afford it. 

5. If you have a healthy life you can get pregnant

You may be saying these words to the wrong woman. Perhaps you know very well the importance of leading a healthy life and know how to eat healthy, exercise regularly and also do not smoke, drink, or have hobbies that could harm your fertility. But sometimes, when there is a more serious type of problem, it is clear that it is not enough. 

6. At least you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant if you’re not ready

This can be said by people who have already had children, perhaps because they had to be surprise parents, it is not known. Many pregnancies are unplanned and yet they are life’s greatest blessing. But what a woman who is fighting infertility wants is to be able to get rid of the feeling of not being able to have children and to have the possibility of having them, when she wants to have them.

7. Not having children is not so bad, you can be happy just as well in another way

Maybe you can, maybe these words are well-intentioned, but they can hurt a lot to a person who is struggling with infertility. An infertile woman who wants to be a mother has a great and irreplaceable desire: to be a mother. She wants to feel the option of being able to be one, of being able to enjoy being a mother, of hugging her children, of being able to know the truest and purest love that exists.

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