The Danger Of Raising A Dissatisfied Child

Nonconformity can have a very negative effect on the development of children. Prevent your child from being like that.
The danger of raising a dissatisfied child

Raising a dissatisfied child involves raising a child who is difficult to please, for whom nothing is enough and who always seeks to have or be more than others.  

So competitiveness is a priority in your life and you are continually comparing yourself to others.

We assume you don’t want to have a child like that. For this reason, we have prepared the following article in which we alert you to the danger of raising a dissatisfied child and show you how to proceed in this case.

How are nonconformist children and behave?

Know that nonconformist children never agree to situations and opportunities that are presented to them. They always want or expect something different from life.

Thus, this class of children are characterized by: 

  • Being overly critical of everything : they look for flaws in television shows, sports, parties, the services others provide, etc.
  • Thinking that nobody is up to their level : they tend to describe others with very negative adjectives, such as stingy, silly, too boring, etc.
  • Being disrespectful : they violate the rules of good communication and the rules of courtesy that are used to maintain harmony between people.
  • Show little empathy : they do not pay much attention to the feelings and opinions of other people, so they openly impose themselves without caring about hurting others.
  • Experiencing feelings of sadness, irritability and frustration,  due to not being happy with their own “self” or with the environment that surrounds them.

Nonconformity as a positive characteristic

As negative as it is usually nonconformist, it also has a positive side.

Well, many nonconformist people, throughout the history of humanity, have managed to stand out above others, overcoming their own limitations and achieving the desired goals. 

In fact, it can be said that the disagreement made it possible for there to be changes, for progress in beliefs and ways of thinking.

Many dissatisfied people surpassed the time in which they lived and even today they continue to conquer the world.


The danger of raising a dissatisfied child

The danger of raising an excessively dissatisfied child is that it will grow up as a dissatisfied child or youth, who usually: 

  • Have tantrums and tantrums.
  • To be in a bad mood.
  • Arguing, even on the most trivial issues.
  • Protest over everything. 
  • Be stubborn and rigid mentally.
  • Disobey.
  • Be selfish. 
  • Be envious and greedy. 

Tips for not raising a dissatisfied child

If you want your child to become a competent and functional person, it is necessary that you teach him to use nonconformity in a positive way, both for his personal, academic and professional improvement.

Make sure that he does not focus his energy and time on competitiveness and comparison, but on the search for knowledge and learning. So, your curiosity about the world around you is piqued.

Make sure they develop a good self-concept and high self-esteem. Which is essential to be comfortable with yourself and satisfied with the achievements, despite having failed on some occasions.

Therefore, disagreement does not always lead us to be unhappy, selfish, rude, etc. If this is known to channel correctly, it can serve to become better people.

Thus, as a mother or father, you must ensure that your child learns about the material and sentimental value of everything he has and is. That is, you have to educate him to be proud of his triumphs, to love and take care of his belongings and conquests as they deserve.

It is your responsibility to transmit all this to your child, without forgetting to lead by example. Well, children use as references the adults in their close environment.

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