Children With Asperger’s, How To Treat Them

Children with asperger's, how to treat them

With love like all children.

Asperger’s is an autism spectrum disorder whose intensity and symptoms vary from person to person. In this post we do not intend to usurp the tasks of a specialist who is the one who determines whether or not the child presents this condition of the autism spectrum and what would be the recommendations for its treatment.

However, there are a series of tips that for you, father, will be of help and will facilitate the task so that your child’s development and well-being are not affected by Asperger’s.

What is asperger syndrome?

Autism spectrum syndrome that appears in early childhood (3 years) but is emphasized between 6 and 8 years, a period in which parents and caregivers of the child notice differences or difficulties from acute to severe in social interaction and communication mode of the child. Unlike autism, children with Asperger’s do not have language problems or delays in understanding cognitive processes.

The Asperger was first identified by the Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician Hans Asperger. It is mentioned for the first time in a scientific journal in 1981. That is, only 34 years have passed since the term was known on the scientific scene. Therefore, there is still much to know about this syndrome.

The Asperger is relatively new, so there are more doubts than certainties about it. Those who possess it identify themselves as aspis or neuroatypical. It is a condition that, with early treatment, consisting of developing and teaching social skills, can be controlled.


Asperger’s occurs in a higher proportion, or at least it is statistically registered in this way, in boys than in girls. However, this has been questioned and it is pointed out that it is not that boys possess it more frequently, but that it goes unnoticed in girls.

This syndrome is usually related to genius and is that people with Asperger’s usually develop an obsessive interest in subjects in which they specialize. Since they were children they present a sophisticated language. Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Keanu Reeves, and Steven Spielberg are said to be aspis.

Now yes…

Children with asperger’s, how to treat them

Fixed routines

The American Psychiatric Association recommends establishing and maintaining routines, rituals, and structures of predictable behavior and development that facilitate the child’s interaction with the world. That is to say, it tries to design together with the child and the family the complete school and family routine and the meal, play and study schedules that allow their incorporation into the world without trauma.


Learn more about Asperger

Parents should learn about the syndrome and make the child aware of their situation without this establishing a priori an impediment or limitation for their development. That is, avoid assuming that the child will not be able to do or tolerate this or that thing before it happens. Access specialized information such as that available at and that provided by parents’ associations and civil organizations.

Participate with the child in activities organized by NGOs that work for children with Asperger’s, keep in touch with other parents who have Asperger children and exchange information with them and create support networks.

Be his ‘cheerleader’

Yes, become your child’s ‘cheerleader’ with Asperger. Motivate him to achieve his goals, help the child and his environment to become aware of the syndrome, reinforce his values ​​and encourage him to participate in activities in which he can highlight his qualities; in this way your self-esteem and security will be reinforced.

Avoid making unhealthy criticisms or hurtful comments to the child, respect the space of solitude that it demands, ensuring that they are not prolonged times. Help him develop his “little obsessions” and become an expert on those topics. Acknowledge and celebrate your differences.

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