Stories For Emotional Development

This selection of stories for emotional development will help children in one of the most important aspects that people must develop.
Stories for emotional development

Emotions arise in children’s lives in the same way that they grow up. This emotional development is one of the most important aspects to deal with children, as they will define their personality. There are numerous ways or activities to address emotional development, but today we will focus on one of them: children’s books.

These elements are very useful and simple tools with which children internalize in a very simple way the ideas and values ​​that you want to transmit to them. For this reason, below we make a selection of stories for emotional development that you can use both in the classroom and at home to work on these important aspects.

Children’s stories for emotional development

1. The color monster

Undoubtedly, when we talk about emotions and feelings and that children know how to distinguish and express their feelings for themselves, there is a book that always comes to mind.

The color monster is a benchmark in children’s literature to treat emotions. With a monster as the protagonist, as its title indicates, it will teach children the most basic emotions associating them with a significant color.

These emotions will be classified with feelings and events that the child will relate to his daily actions, which will help him to easily identify them.

The color monster is one of the children's stories for emotional development.

Due to the great success of the book, you can obtain it in different formats, depending on your needs: cardboard, kamishibai or pop-up format, among others.

2. In another way , one of the best stories for emotional development

There are numerous emotions or feelings that even adults sometimes do not know how to manage due to the complexity of the situation, so we cannot ask a child to do it either. For this reason, this book, recommended for those over six years of age, will help them in their way of seeing the most difficult feelings such as sadness, fears or goodbyes.

3. Sad monster, happy monster

Again, monsters are the protagonists of one of the children’s stories for emotional development. That these are the protagonists of the stories helps children eliminate their fears towards them, and more so by treating important topics such as emotions in the story.

Before you you will have a fantastic illustrated album full of color that explains, in a very funny and cheerful way, the emotions of the different monsters. In addition, at the end of each of the double pages we will find a mask of a monster that expresses the emotion that is described in its text.

These masks are the key point of this book, since, through play with them, children will learn to differentiate and express their feelings. In the same way that happened with The Color Monster , in this illustrated album a color is also associated with each feeling or emotion.

More stories for emotional development

4. Labyrinth of the soul

Ana Llenas, the same author of The Color Monster , republishes a book with emotional development as its theme. On this occasion, as the title itself indicates, we will know the labyrinths of emotions and feelings that we have.

The author of the book herself says that her objective is for each person to know, through the pages, what it is like inside, knowing their feelings and emotions. Each double page refers to a different feeling or emotion, all having one similar structure: a text located on one of the pages in column format describes the emotion, which is always accompanied by a large full-color illustration that also describes it.

5. Feelings!

Recommended for children from two to three years old, they will love this book for emotional development. Different emotions and feelings will be shown on the pages of the book with illustrations of children expressing how they feel with their faces. Along with them, a little explanatory text.

Children will see on your pages examples of situations in which they feel happy, angry, sad or loving and, in this way, they will know how to recognize it when it happens to them. In addition, the book includes two materials for children to use in their learning about emotions:

  • An erasable marker to draw your own feeling.
  • A sentimentometer to indicate your state of mind each day.
5 books for the little ones to reflect

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