Dangers Of Social Networks In Adolescence

The incredible technological development has led to the rise of certain communication applications that, if not used carefully, can turn against our children.
Dangers of social media in adolescence

One of the issues that most worries parents is the overexposure of their children to social networks in adolescence. The fear of what may be on the other side of the screen is unthinkable for the youngest, sometimes too innocent when it comes to judging certain behaviors.

A few years ago, such a situation would have been unthinkable. The incredible technological development has allowed anyone to have access to quite new communication applications. Thanks to them, today we can transmit any information in record time … whether legal or not.

Being continuously connected with those we love should bring only benefits. Being able to talk every day with family and friends settled in other places is wonderful, but we must know that it also has its drawbacks. If we are not careful, social media can turn against our children.

Dangers of social media in adolescence


It is very easy to scam a person if you know how to say what he wants to hear. Many scammers use the Internet to offer mobile phones, computers or game consoles at a bargain price. They make teenagers believe that if they provide an account number, they can have whatever they want for almost free.

Needless to say, that account number is almost always that of your parents. We become collateral victims of scams of this caliber. It is useless in these cases that we scold our son: upon learning of the scam, the feeling of extreme guilt soon emerges.

The addiction to computers and mobiles is a problem that affects children and adolescents.


Social networks in adolescence are a breeding ground for stalkers. Internet trolls, often known to the victim, take advantage of his vulnerability to hurt him. Anonymous messages, threats or coercion are just a few tricks they use. They are even capable of getting more people to join, thus making the boy or girl feel even more isolated.

If you think your child is being cyberbullying, don’t hesitate to seek help. You must report it as soon as possible and that the guilty assume the consequences. It is a very serious matter that every year the lives of many young people are carried forward. Support your child and make it clear that he can count on you for everything he needs.

“I fear the day when technology will overtake our humanity. The world then will only have a generation of idiots “

-Albert Einstein-

Narcissism and lack of self-esteem

With the appearance of social networks like Instagram or Snapchat, our children are discovering a new world. The selfies , the stories and the need to get approval can generate such diverse problems. Teens never stop comparing themselves to others, and in apps like these, observing the (seemingly) perfect lives of others is pretty easy.

If your child does not receive the attention he demands on social media, his self-esteem will suffer. He will do his best to attract attention, even if he has to cross certain limits. On the contrary, if you have a legion of fans praising you, you will become narcissistic and conceited.

Technology addiction is a problem in our society.


Mobile addiction is much more common than computer addiction. WhatsApp is, among young people, one of the most used social networks in adolescence. According to various studies, the obsession with mobile phones is comparable to that of a cocaine addict with his fetish drug.

Being aware that our son does not lead a normal life by being glued to a screen is hard, but it must be solved. If we do not take action on the matter, the consequences could be catastrophic both mentally and physically.

Prostitution networks

Like scam networks, they are very present on the Internet. They look for teenagers to be able to manipulate and deceive, and sometimes they succeed. It is imperative that you talk to your child about these kinds of organized groups so that they are alert. It seems that it will never touch us, but it is the harsh reality.

Make it clear that they should not give their details or photographs to strangers, no matter how nice they may seem. They sometimes hide behind profiles of young people to attract potential victims, and it’s something teens should know. If you discover that your child has come into contact with individuals of this ilk, report it immediately.

Social networks in adolescence do not have to be harmful, as long as our children know what dangers lie in wait for them. Talking with them about everything they contain is essential so that you can use them in a healthy and responsible way.

Being a mother in times of social networks

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