Tales With Elephants For Children

For the little ones, the elephant is one of the most interesting animals. Its large size and its trunk are super curious, in addition to the adventures that they can live in a fictional world. 
Tales with elephants for children

When the protagonists of a story are animals, children are very attracted to them. Especially because for them, animals have very interesting qualities, such as strength or speed, as well as very striking physical characteristics. In the case of stories with elephants, the main attraction is the size of the pachyderm.

The elephant is an animal to which various meanings have been attributed, however, in the children’s world there are two data that stand out: its great fear of rodents and, of course, its excellent memory. In the case of the first, it is a very funny myth, but in the second, it is real information: elephants are capable of long-term remembering.

Memory as treasure

While many stories often illustrate both, there are other elephant tales that go beyond it. With which, the fact that the protagonist is an elephant does not imply that the same topic will always be addressed. There are many messages that the same character can transmit.

Unlike fables, in stories, animals can stand out for various qualities (beyond the obvious). In this way, in a tale, a fox may not only be cunning but also brave and friendly. This can be evidenced even in stories adapted to the big screen, such as Disney’s Robin Hood , in which the protagonist is a fox with many qualities.

In the case of the elephant, in addition to the good memory, other qualities will stand out, depending on the type of story. Next, we will tell you about the stories with elephants that may interest a small fan of these animals.

Tales with elephants for children.

Some stories for children with elephants

  • Zas, the elephant , Édouard Manceau.
  • Elephant tales , José Martí.
  • My friend the elephant , Alejandro Viacava.
  • Candy Pink , Adela Turin and Nella Bosnia.
  • So light, so heavy , Susanne Strasser.
  • The elephant Babar, Jean de Brunhoff.
  • Elephant, a pea , Rafael Ordóñez and Marc Taeger.
  • The curious little elephant , Marta Canellas Crusellas and Montserrat Roig Ayuso.

Each of these stories is aimed at a different age range. However, after 8 years of age, they can all be read by children. On the other hand, there is no need to worry about the language, as all the titles mentioned are translated into Spanish.

Ideas to complement the reading

A good idea to complement these fun readings is to encourage the child to research in an encyclopedia of fauna, the data about his favorite animal and to make a contrast with respect to others.

Additionally, it can be fun to share other animal stories with your child. They do not necessarily have to be readings, they can also be movies, plays, songs, and so on.

If your child is skilled at drawing or inventing stories, encouraging them to create their own elephant stories and share them at home can be an excellent exercise in creativity. To make the activity even more fun, children can be encouraged to present their story at a family dinner.

In case the child wishes, it is also a good idea to share his story at school. As parents, we can talk to the teacher of the group and talk to her about the child’s interest in the elephant. In this way, you can take it into account for a group activity.

Tales with elephants for children.

What do stories with animals contribute?

In addition to the lessons each story provides, stories with animals, in general, feed children’s curiosity about fauna, but also about the world. This is very beneficial in their education, since, from curiosity, they can become small researchers of the topics that attract them.

Also, by taking an interest in a topic and receiving motivation, they will get used to looking for more information about what stands out to them.

The next benefit of this comes to be the development of critical attitude in children when comparing the information they find in different sources (even in their favorite cartoons).

For stories with elephants (or any other animal) to help form a good reading habit, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the book before purchasing it. The most important thing will be to review the age range to which the story is directed.

Benefits of reading for children

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