10 Advantages Of Parenting Twins

10 advantages of parenting twins

When we have children it is certainly a great blessing, but there are parents for whom that blessing comes in two, giving them the opportunity to be parents of twins.

Is it better to start as parents of twins? Although many think that it is an even more complicated and difficult task than starting with a single baby, it really has many advantages. We will name you some.

Some advantages of parenting twins

1. Feeling that two lives are formed within us. It must be said, although the symptoms of pregnancy are diverse and make us experience some ills, it is a truly wonderful experience to have a life within ourselves. Having two is definitely  twice as wonderful.

2. When there are complications to getting pregnant, it is truly a blessing to have twins. Many mothers have been able to have some difficulties in being able to get pregnant.

The fact that, by having these complications, we managed to conceive two lives when it took us so long to achieve it, generates immense joy for parents.

3. According to studies, conceiving twins indicates that the mother is healthy. Some studies indicate that mothers who manage to have twins tend to be healthier, even manage to live longer.

4. We hold the line and exercise all the time. Even more than going to a gym! If one child causes constant hustle and bustle in our lives, no doubt having two will make our lives much more hectic. An Olympic sport.

5. They always have a brother to entertain themselves. The fact that they have their twin always by their side will mean that they do not need Mom all the time to entertain themselves and play. This is a very nice advantage of having twins.

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The great advantage of having a twin brother

1. They have a life partner. The bond between twin brothers is quite strong. They always have a life partner through thick and thin.

2. They learn earlier how to interact with other children. Being born with another child and interacting every day makes them more sociable with other children.

3. What they learn, they teach their brother. The fact of having a brother of the same age makes them help each other. When you learn something, you immediately teach it to your brother. If one of them has a greater ability to learn, it will motivate his brother to learn quickly as well.

4. It is much easier to play and serve them. As they always live together, they tend to have the same tastes and it is much easier to interact with them. This also happens in games.

5. Double the love and fun. The most powerful advantage of all. Enjoying them, having fun with them, playing with them, all this double, makes an even more wonderful experience.

Are twins a matter of genetics?

Various studies have been conducted to determine why twins with the same DNA  have differences in the development of certain inherited disorders.

Studies have yielded incredible results, showing that twins are not as genetically alike  as has always been talked about.

In 2001 scientists showed that twins who followed different types of diets had differences in their cholesterol levels. On the other hand, in 2002, another study was carried out that determined that twins present significant differences in terms of their emotional stability in terms of some factors such as their relationship with their relatives or the fact of attending church.

In 2004, a study was conducted at Duke University that indicated that Alzheimer’s usually affects both twins in only 40% of cases.

Some studies also determined that analyzing the percentage of cases in which both twins develop the same disorder, it was concluded that bipolar disorder would have an estimated heritability of 93%, occurring in 42.9% of identical twins. As for conduct disorders, it would be 80%.

Depression, on the other hand, would have a heritability percentage of 37% in twins. While schizophrenia would affect 10.2%.

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We know that it is not easy because of all the effort we must make so that our children have an excellent upbringing, but having two children as a gift at the same time is something that we must always thank life for.

Children are the greatest blessing that can come to a family.

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