Game Alternatives To Using Screens

For those parents who want to find gaming alternatives to using screens, this article offers some valuable examples. Take note and share great moments with your little ones!
Game alternatives to using screens

If your child spends a lot of time in front of electronic devices, you may be trying to find some play alternatives to using screens. We are aware that technology has come to stay; however, there are other games that allow children to learn and enjoy themselves without resorting to virtuality.

Also, this article aims to provide you with other ways to entertain children without the need to spend hours in front of television screens or mobile phones. We will tell you more below.

Game alternatives to using screens

These are the game alternatives to the use of the screens that we propose. Take notes and decide what activity you would like to try with your children!

1. Creative games

The first alternative of games to the use of screens is through artistic activities. These, in addition to entertaining the little ones, enhance creativity and talent.

In this sense, activities such as painting, drawing or creating figures of wood or paper can become ideal for the development of their brain in this childhood stage and to avoid the use of electronic devices.

Certainly, it is recommended that you also encourage the little one to build with sand, mud or clay. In this way, they use large muscle groups to carry out their builds.

A girl coloring is developing her fine motor skills.

2. Games in nature

Nature is, without a doubt, one of the most educational environments for children. Even the experience can become more fun if you include games for the little one to have fun and discover the ins and outs that the natural landscape hides, in order to practice the contents they learned in school.

For example, you can propose to the little one to find some of the objects that you consider appropriate that may be in the natural environment. You can also ask him to plant a seed and come back after a few weeks to visualize the result of his choice.

In addition, you can take advantage of elements of the field, such as leaves or stones, to create a beautiful collage at home with the little one. Thus, they will be able to remember for a long time this beautiful family day in nature.

It is highly advisable to encourage your little one to guide you through the path while avoiding obstacles; In this case, choose the ideal walking stick for hiking.

3. Board games

Third, we present board games as one of the gaming alternatives to using screens. Certainly, these have been the mode of entertainment for children for many years, until technology has gradually pushed them away.

However, there is still an innumerable offering of table games, both classic and modern. These hobbies are entertaining and offer many benefits to the little ones.

Among other things, board games improve your mental abilities, exercise memory, allow greater cognitive functioning, reduce stress and have an educational function.

Also, board games can play a crucial role in children’s development and growth. They are an important aspect in the development of your brain, as they help to acquire logic and reasoning skills and promote critical thinking.

In addition, they help improve verbal and attention skills, because they cause children to concentrate for longer periods of time.

The alternatives of games to the use of the screens represent an ideal option for the growth of the little one.

4. Sports

Lastly, getting your child involved in sports is a great alternative. These types of activities improve social skills and create friendships.

At the same time, they also spend time doing healthy activities. Sports can give your child the adrenaline rush they’re looking for on screens, both from activity and from competition.

However, your child may not be interested in team games or may not have the skills they need to play some traditional sports. In these cases, you should not forget that there are many options to consider, such as bowling or archery, among others.

So let your little one try different sports or team games until they find which one really piques their interest.

Finally, keep in mind that the alternatives of games to the use of the screens represent an ideal option for the growth of the little one. It is advisable to start with one of those included in this list, since the little one will surely enjoy the proposed options!

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