To Have A Brother Is To Have A Treasure

The best ally for mischief, adventure, love, triumph and failure will always be a brother. What is it that makes this union so special, regardless of the circumstances?
To have a brother is to have a treasure

Children always want to have an ally for fun and games. For this, having a brother is perfect. We will stop to analyze what the union between the brothers is like and why the mutual company is so important for both.

When the little ones in the house are only children, they are usually spoiled from many points of view, because they are the center of attention in the family. This may have its advantages, but if you ask any child if they want to have a sibling, their answer is sure to be yes.

The bonds between siblings are really strong, regardless of age ranges. Their relationships may not be the best at certain times in their lives, but soon that will change and they will become the best allies.

Twin brothers

The relationship between babies who have shared their mother’s womb walks along the thin edge of love and hate. Although they are physically the same, their personalities will be very different.

There is a very strong bond between them, even a little more intense than that of siblings who were born on different dates. The twins are the most faithful accomplices to each other. They fully enjoy having a brother, as they share their fantasies and adventures with him every day.

An exchange of glances is usually enough to know what your twin is thinking. They feel support and protection for each other, even though, inevitably, there are trade-offs on some occasions.

Competitiveness is the bread and butter, but the support provided to overcome the pitfalls is really special. Twins really feel that having a brother is having a treasure.

The difference in age between siblings has positive and negative aspects, depending on the case.

Having a sibling with a lot of age difference

Here they tend to appear a little more distant in some moments of their lives, since due to the age difference the interests are very different. Perhaps for one of the brothers the other is a nuisance; This will depend a lot on the personality of each one of them and the family environment.

The older brother will be the model for the younger. This will always see him as an idol who can do the things that he, by age, would not dare or dream of doing. The child hopes that in the future he will be able to follow in his brother’s footsteps and that everything he does will be applauded by him.

For the oldest, his little brother is a treasure that must be protected; He assumes that having a brother implies responsibilities and that if his parents are absent at any time, he will be responsible for the child’s well-being.

At times, being with the child may be upsetting to him; However, he will also remember that he was little and that accompanying his younger brother on some adventures, especially to provide protection, is not so bad. A strong alliance will form between admiration, respect, and protective instinct.

Having a sibling with little difference in age

Having a contemporary sibling is a great advantage. The bonds and complicity are strengthened by sharing games and going through stages of life at the same time. Going to the same kindergarten and having to face the challenges of school together is a great relief for them and for the parents; thus, these brothers will be aware of each other.

As for the dynamics of the home and the pair of parents, it is also very convenient; the economic aspect is the one that is most favored since an expense is made on items that will quickly be reused by the other baby. It is even ideal because they can share a room. In this way, the order of things and bedtime are made easier for parents, by reducing them to a single space.

Having a brother ensures that we have a guardian for the rest of our lives.

The energy invested in parenting is used doubly. For example, in the diaper stage, when learning to use cutlery or brush teeth, among others. Being followed in age and having the growth stages close to each other, one of the siblings will always serve as an example. 

One of them will learn something more easily and teach the other, or the other will follow through constant observation; By watching his brother do it, the other learns habits more quickly.

Definitely, having a brother will always represent an advantage, despite the logical fights that may arise. It is about a being who lives alongside us, who grew up in the same home and with whom we will always maintain an almost unbreakable bond.

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