4 Benefits Of Almonds In Pregnancy

The consumption of almonds in pregnancy can report a number of benefits for the health of the fetus. In addition, it is a very versatile food and easy to incorporate into the diet.
4 benefits of almonds in pregnancy

Nuts are recommended foods in almost any diet; only allergy sufferers should avoid them. These are products that have a high nutritional density, so they provide essential substances for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, next, we are going to teach you the main benefits of almonds in pregnancy.

Before starting, we want to emphasize that the pregnancy stage is critical from a nutritional point of view. Requirements increase and there are certain products that should not be consumed because they pose risks to the fetus. However, nuts and almonds are generally highly recommended in this period.

Benefits of almonds in pregnancy

In the following lines we are going to explain to you what are the main benefits of consuming almonds in pregnancy and what science says about it.

Child with hands full of almonds.

Better development of the fetus

It should be noted that almonds contain a significant percentage of protein inside. Although it is true that they are not of high biological value, they contribute to meeting the daily requirements of the nutrient. These elements have proven to be essential for the development and growth of tissues, both in the mother and in the fetus.

It must be taken into account that if the protein intake is not of sufficient quality or sufficient, there may be problems associated with the functionality of the lean mass. Although these manifest themselves in the medium term, they can generate serious health problems in a short period of time.

Reduce the risk of marrow development problems

Almonds stand out for their folic acid content, from the point of view of micronutrients. This element is essential to avoid the appearance of problems in the baby’s spinal development, such as spina bifida. This is stated in a study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry , where systematic supplementation with the vitamin is recommended.

In any case, and beyond the need for supplementation, it is convenient to maximize the dietary intake of folic acid  to minimize the risk of developmental problems.

Improves the growth of the baby’s bones

Another characteristic mineral of almonds is calcium. This is essential for the good growth of bones, as evidenced by research published in BMJ . In this way, the risk of fracture is reduced in the medium term and the formation of bone tissue in the fetus is improved.

Although calcium supplements are not common in pregnant women, it is important to ensure the presence in the diet of foods high in this mineral.

They provide iron that combats the appearance of anemia

Anemia is a problem generated from an inefficient supply of vitamin B12 or iron that conditions the lifestyle and health of the pregnant woman. An adequate supply of the mineral minimizes the risk of this pathology manifesting itself. Almonds have a significant concentration in it.

In any case, it should not be forgotten that iron of plant origin has a low assimilation rate. To maximize absorption, it is recommended to consume this nutrient with a dose of vitamin C.

How to consume almonds during pregnancy?

One of the positive aspects of almonds is their versatility. They can be consumed raw, but also added as an ingredient to savory dishes, such as salads. Many sauces have this dried fruit as the main ingredient.

On the other hand, you can make smoothies with almonds, milk and fruits. This class of preparations are very nutritious, since they contain essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These elements are capable of preventing the development of chronic pathologies in the medium and long term, such as some types of cancer.

In addition, they are also closely linked to the good development of the fetus, as we have commented. Although folic acid and calcium are decisive, there are many others that can impact on the health of the baby, such as iron and zinc.

Almond cream.

Almonds are recommended nuts in pregnancy

It is advisable to consume almonds during pregnancy for the 3 reasons that we have explained to you. In addition, they have the advantage that they hardly contain carbohydrates in their composition, so they will not alter blood glucose levels. Therefore, they can be part of the diet of women with gestational diabetes as well.

Keep in mind that it is best to introduce these nuts in the context of a balanced and varied diet. It is necessary to provide the fetus with the energy necessary for its development, as well as the essential nutrients it requires. On occasions, supplementation may be necessary, although it is advisable to consult your doctor first before starting to consume this class of products.

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