Creative Ideas To Celebrate Father’s Day At Home

Father’s Day is an ideal time for children to express their love in a creative way and understand the value of family.
Creative ideas to celebrate Father's Day at home

Father’s Day is approaching and, due to the state of alarm that has been decreed due to COVID-19, something different is being planned this year. Perhaps the children have not been able to do at school the craft that each year is usually dedicated to parents. In addition, it is not possible to leave the house to celebrate eating in a restaurant or going on an excursion.

However, this is not a reason for us to stop celebrating the day that commemorates one of the most important figures in the life of a child. Especially because we have a great advantage: this year, surely, Dad will be at home and we can enjoy it as a family. To make this day as special as the honoree is, we propose some suggestions to celebrate it.

Creative ideas to celebrate Father’s Day at home

1. A special breakfast

Nothing better than starting the day with your favorite breakfast, especially if it reflects the love of your family. If dad is a sweet tooth, encourage your children to prepare a pastry recipe together in his honor. This is one of the children’s favorite activities, which not only provides them with fun, but also helps them develop their autonomy if we allow them to participate in the preparation of the dish.

In addition, the feeling of satisfaction when checking the appetizing appearance and delicious taste of the dish that they have prepared themselves will undoubtedly strengthen their self-esteem. You can opt for a sponge cake, some cookies or any other option. But don’t forget to decorate them with a dedication for Father’s Day.

Father's daughter cooking together on Father's Day.

2. Gymkhana around the house

Another fun option is to prepare a gymkhana for Dad or a tour of the whole house where he will discover gifts. To do this,  you can make several cards with instructions and place them in order in different places and rooms.

For example, if the circuit begins on the couch, put a card there on which it says: “Your next track is in the place where it always rains, go find it, if you dare . When Dad goes to the shower, he will find a gift and another card with the guidance to find his next stop.

At each destination, place a small gift or present. They can be drawings, letters or some nice craft specially made for him. You can also make coupons and deposit them at each gymkhana stop. For example: “This coupon is worth a joke, for the day you are sad . He can save them all and use them whenever he wants.

3. The Father’s Day song

An alternative that will surely awaken daddy’s tenderness is to write him a song and sing it to him all together. You can compose it entirely, but it may be easier to search the internet for the karaoke version of a well-known song and add your own lyrics on top. You can express in it all the love you feel for the father of the family, thank him for his company or remember funny moments. Of course, make sure the verses rhyme.

Daughter giving her father a gift for Father's Day.

Once the song is complete, you are ready to perform it in front of the honoree. The little ones will have a great time expressing all their creativity in the composition of the song and Dad, sure, will love this original detail.

4. Family games to celebrate Father’s Day at home

What better way to celebrate Father’s Day at home than with your children? Let’s take advantage of the fact that we are all at home to play together. Games like Stop or Pictionary are two great alternatives for which only pencil, paper and a stopwatch are required.

But, if you want something more intimate and personalized, you can make cards with personal questions about family members. For example: “what is dad’s favorite color?”; “What’s the name of mom’s best friend?”

You can also include questions such as: Tell the funniest day of your life” or “What is the last dream you remember?” . This activity will help strengthen family ties, get to know each other better and have an unforgettable time.

Finally, the value of a gift is never its price, but the hands that deliver it. All of these ideas will help children get involved in celebrating Father’s Day, and will convey important values ​​to them. Well, the important thing about this day is to appreciate and give thanks for the family we have.

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