A Mother’s Love Moves Mountains

Mother’s love is something irreplaceable and beautiful. That is why honoring and acknowledging him every day is important. We dig into this below!
A mother's love moves mountains

The love of a mother is the most intense, pure and sincere feeling that a woman can experience. It becomes the best medicine for the pains of the soul, the comfort of every tear and the mentor of the most just miracles of life. Without a doubt, this deep-rooted maternal affection is capable of moving mountains.

Well, from the moment a mother feels life stirring inside her, such a close blood bond is created, forged by illusion, hope and the deepest dreams that date from her childhood, capable of invigorating and nurturing that peculiar affection. and of unthinkable magnitudes.

There are pregnant women capable of giving everything for that child that cradles in her womb. Many mothers fight daily to bring out pregnancies that, according to science, will not come to fruition. However, the power of maternal love manages to bear the sweetest fruits.

Many times, life wakes us up after a slap from fate when things do not turn out as one would wish. When a child comes into the world prematurely or with health conditions, maternal love will show that nothing is impossible when a heart is ready to fight.

A mother’s love fights for the impossible

We see them spend months in hospital, fervently believing in the strength and courage of their children to overcome any medical prognosis. We see them in speech therapy, psychology, in soccer clubs, in ballet classes. All in very different situations. However, each of them betting on their child.


When the possible is over, they go out to fight for the impossible. Some will juggle food in order to feed children, either due to lack of food or disagreements about tastes and preferences with children.

Many others will be searched so that children with a slower learning pace can take their first steps or pronounce their first words. Well, this is what maternal love is all about, believing and trusting, betting everything on the child to develop normally in a framework of happiness.

Certain moms will find themselves fighting daily fights that involve household chores next to a little one, while on the sidewalk in front those mothers who will go out to find bread or find more income to continue building a future together are positioned.

Well, motherly love definitely exists, and it really does move mountains. It gives you the encouragement to continue living each day despite the obstacles that arise in life. It makes you find the paths that you must necessarily travel to reach what we all want: union and fullness.

Maternal love is eternal

No matter how many years pass, a mother’s love will always be there, intact, to do whatever it takes for a child. A handkerchief of tears in the first love misadventures and calms the worries and insecurities that the bodily changes of adolescence provoke.

A mother's love goes beyond the years

As the years go by, the fight becomes more conscientious and fiercer for the future. Train good people, instilling values ​​and also useful knowledge for tomorrow. Arouse your interest in an object of study or forge a trade.

Even maternal love has the remarkable ability to go even further. He will look after the welfare of the family that his son or daughter has formed. It will be present in every detail, in every step they take. Even in this painful and exciting new stage you will wear a smile.

Even after the onslaught of the hurtful passage of time, a mother’s love will regain all its strength when it changes its title, obtaining a doctorate in the most wonderful, understanding, accommodating and buddy love: a grandmother has been born.

And if this mother, now a grandmother, was able to carry a love that could move mountains, now, with her gray hair and furrows in her hands, that love capable of giving life and sowing the future, today she will have the ability to give wings ,  becoming an angel that will mark the lives of his grandchildren, as he did with his children.

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