Activities With Children In The Vacation Weeks

Holidays are the most awaited time for the little ones in the house – and for adults too. We give you some proposals to make the most of these days as a family.
Activities with children in the holiday weeks

Vacation days are the most suitable for activities with children. They will be rested and will enjoy the changes from their usual routine. The activities will be very beneficial for the children.

These activities can help them develop new skills and abilities. So that they do not get bored for a single moment, they always have to be game. Do not propose only pedagogical activities for these days. The playful element is basic for children. You have to set goals for the children to try to achieve their goal.

Sport activities

If you want your child to discharge his energy on those vacation days, sports activities are the most recommended. It can be a team sport like basketball or soccer with your friends or individualistic like swimming or track and field. It can also be combined with music like zumba or funky .

But it does not have to be a regulated sport like the extracurricular ones, with a specific schedule and time. Children will enjoy simply rollerblading or cycling with their family or friends. If you want them to focus and relax, we encourage you to sign them up for yoga or Pilates workshops.

You can also organize games that stimulate their motor skills in a garden or in the park. For example gymkhanas, rope or rope. Kids love classic games like hide-and-seek, dodgeball, or potato run.

Creative activities

If your child enjoys developing his creativity, you can encourage him to do creative activities. You can organize activities with your children to draw and color. For example print cards of animals, princesses, superheroes or exotic places.

Then you can tell a story made up by all the children in which you will relate the different pictures. They are sure to surprise you with their imagination and creativity.

Another idea is to encourage your children to read stories you have at home or visit your local library. Make up each one a story and then share them with the others. Another idea is to invent poetry or letters and then put them on paper and add original drawings. You can also develop their vocabulary with games like chained words, I see I see, the shoe from behind or the hangman.

Table games

Board games are also a fun option for children. They love classic games like goose, tic-tac-toe or Parcheesi. They will also enjoy more modern games such as monopoli, cluedo or one of the many games on the market.

Excursions and walks

 Holidays are the best time to walk in the countryside and enjoy the great outdoors. Organize excursions and walks with the children so they can get out and breathe fresh air. You can take the opportunity to learn some notions about curious animals, insects or plants.

Another good idea is to also visit castles in the area, interesting museums or remote villages where children will enjoy and learn a lot. Children will have a lot of fun if you go to theme parks, to the zoo to see different species of animals or to an amusement park.


Do you know that children love crafts? You can take advantage of these days to make plaster sculptures and then paint them all together. Another activity can be to make curious necklaces with beads or with previously painted pasta macaroni.

Crafts help them develop fine motor skills that are so important to children. Also with plasticine you can make different figures of animals or a Martian original and develop their skills.

Four or five year olds love to copy geometric shapes and letters and then color them. We encourage you to make murals with a fun theme and for the children to stick their letters or drawings themselves.

It can be about the characters in a TV series or movie, aliens or wild animals. Any idea that comes to mind will be fun for the children and they will have a good time.

Shows and cinema

Finally, we encourage you to take advantage of these days to go to the cinema to see a movie for children and even go to a play. Children also like magic shows and even the circus. Surely with all these activities you will spend some fun and interesting vacation days.


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