Applaud Their Efforts And Reward Their Achievements

Applaud their effort and reward their achievements

Applaud your child’s efforts and reward their achievements so that they develop as a strong, independent and proud child. In the respect you have, the consideration and acceptance of your person is the basis for your personal fulfillment and the scope of your happiness.

Why applaud the effort of a child?

A child’s effort must be weighed to help him grow emotionally.

This also helps him when it comes to forming his identity, his character, the personality that accompanies him throughout his life.

The child who is recognized for his effort from an early age sees precisely in sacrifice and tenacity the way to achieve his goals and overcome the difficulties that arise along the way.

Applauding his effort raises his self-esteem, makes him a resilient human being, nourishes him from various experiences and teaches him to take his failures only as an element to be much stronger, not as reasons for his failures.

Why reward a child’s achievements?

Mom, never hesitate to applaud your son’s achievements; even those that are small and fall behind your hopes.

Rewarding him for his achievements will tell him how much he is worth and how much you appreciate him. That will also drive you to achieve much higher goals.

It is good to reward your good results so that you can appreciate firsthand how good a human being feels when he is recognized and admired by others; Thus, you will learn to do the same with your colleagues, family and friends.

The compliments you give your child will be used as a unit of measurement when it comes to deducing whether or not he is on the right track. It is in this way, that he will get the answer that he needs to know if he should maintain or change his strategies.

What achievements and awards should you applaud and give to a child?

The achievements that should be applauded are those that really mean achievements by self-effort, depending on, of course, the age and the physical and intellectual capacities that your child has.

A child under one year should be applauded for the first steps he takes on his own, but since the 3-year-old should not be rewarded for the fact that he suddenly grabs the bottle by himself and frees his hands from Mommy. In the latter case, it is a skill that he should have made his own a long time ago, therefore, it no longer means any achievement.

It is important not to confuse responsibilities and stages of development that your child must have reached in the past and because of nonsense, let’s say, he does not practice when he should; with the true achievements.

Now, in the case of awards, you should know that for the formation of values ​​and the development of their emotional intelligence, material gifts can never be compared with sentimental ones.

Emotional rewards are those that really help your child grow as a person, learn manners, build self-esteem, and be happier both now and in the future.

Reward him only with material objects when the occasion warrants it. Every time you get a high grade or behave yourself, you don’t have to get the toys, rides, electronics, and treats you love.

Applaud their effort and reward their achievements

Applaud your child’s effort and reward him with an encouraging look, a smile, a hug. Never forget to tell him, with gestures and words, how much you love him and how proud you are of him.

Every child requires incentives to strive, feel happy, and love himself. In fact, any human being, no matter how old he is, needs it.

Remember: your child’s most precious accomplishments, both for you and for him, should be the ones that take the most effort. If you don’t consider it that way, instill it in them, starting today.

On the other hand, the best incentives that you should receive, taking into account your happiness and emotional formation, are going to be all the sentimental rewards that your loved ones may come; you, among them.

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