Baby Led Weaning: The New Way To Feed The Baby

The Baby Led Weaning has become a revolutionary method when it comes to complementary feeding. Get to improve children’s relationship with food.
Baby Led Weaning: the new way to feed your baby

One of the most complex challenges that parents must face is teaching our little ones to eat. However, thanks to the Baby Led Weaning (BLW), this process becomes an adventure where the leader is our baby.

This term in English refers to the complementary feeding that is directed by the little ones in the house, which do not include the typical purees or porridges, but foods cut into portions that they themselves can handle and eat independently. In other words: Enjoy your food!

Babies can start BLW as early as six months

Complementary feeding, a step forward

Now, if it is complementary like the traditional one, what is the main difference? This is the most frequent question that parents ask in the pediatrician offices that promote this novel methodology. Basically, it is about the order in which children learn the delicious art of eating.

Previously, doctors tried to make their little patients learn to swallow with vegetable purees and, over the months, to chew until they find a delicious piece; But, with self-regulated or demand feeding (as it is also known), the chewing process begins first and, much later, swallowing.

How to start the Baby Led Weaning


This technique allows children to do what is necessary during their learning, while parents do not have to worry about regulating the amounts of food that we serve them.

This is an incredible opportunity for them to have fun and discover the colors, textures, flavors and smells for themselves. This is evidenced by a study published in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics.

Next, we offer you a series of recommendations for our little angels to start this interesting way to start their complementary feeding:

  • Look for videos of children eating with this technique so that you know how food is served and how they operate.
  • Mom and Dad… forget about baby food.

    At first apply the technique with vigilance

    If your baby is six months old, try to make the pieces large enough for them to grasp without problem; Little by little, you can give them smaller pieces to manipulate and help them develop fine motor skills.

    • Don’t be afraid to offer him some of what the rest of the family eats, of course, other than fish or salty foods. Some think you should only eat fruits or vegetables, but it’s okay to try other options.
    • You will no longer need that plate with drawings for children. If you want, you can place the food directly on the table that your baby’s chair brings and let it do what you want.
    • At first, you will feel that everything is going to get dirty and you must run with your child to the shower, for that reason, we insist that you should not worry. If it’s not too cold, you can remove his flannel or leave him half-naked so they get the most out of each bite.
    • Don’t feel bad if he turns down one of the exquisite dishes you’ve made so hard. Offer him what everyone eats and, little by little, you will see that he will add options to his list of favorites.
    • Try to eat meals between bottle feedings, so you don’t feel hungry.

    Many parents are afraid that their children will choke on this methodology, but the chances are the same as with the traditional diet. It is important that you follow certain safety rules and you will see that your baby will not choke.

    BLW in the nursery

    Recommendations regarding nutrition

    One of the most common concerns for parents who have chosen the Baby Led Weaning for their little ones is going back to school. Ideally, they should talk with the teachers about this technique and its benefits, so that they become involved in this learning process.

    Teachers play an important role in Baby Led Weaning

    Currently, some nurseries are opting for this ingenious way of feeding the little ones and are governed by a menu similar to this to maintain control of all children:

    • From 6 to 12 months : they eat vegetables and, progressively, red, white meat and eggs are included.
    • 12-15 months : food is lightly shredded at first, then into small pieces.
    • From 15 to 18 months : the whole and shredded food is mixed, later, into pieces.

    Thanks to this method, it is possible to improve the future dietary habits of the child, although published studies do not associate it with obesity prevention.

    Baby Led Weaning, an innovation in complementary feeding

    This is a new and fun experience that allows you to learn together as a family the art of eating well. Enjoy this technique to the fullest and watch your children grow up happy, healthy and strong.

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