BNEscolar, The National Library Within The Reach Of Education

The digital resources of the Spanish National Library reach the educational world thanks to the BNEscolar.
BNEscolar, the National Library within the reach of education

Creating a bond between children and the world of books and the library from the time they are small will make them keep it throughout their lives in a much easier way than if this is done when they are older.

Today, with new technologies within a click of a click for both adults and children, the chances of children getting closer to the world of libraries are much higher. Loan of electronic books, online reading clubs , book recommendations on social networks … There are numerous activities that are carried out using new technologies with the aim of promoting reading in children and young people.

Within this thought, the Spanish National Library has wanted to create BNEscolar, a fantastic tool dedicated to the educational world that we will detail below.

BNEscolar within reach of children

In the world in which we live, where new technologies and electronic devices are part of our daily lives in an essential way, the world of libraries does not want to be left behind. More specifically, we refer to the greatest library that Spain has, which is neither more nor less than the National Library.

Books and a tablet in a library to learn how to use the BNEscolar.

The inclusion of new technologies in daily life has led the National Library, in collaboration with, a public business entity of the Ministry of Economy and Business, to create the BNEscolar project. The main objective of this project is to promote the importance of the library in school teaching and learning, as well as its use.

What is used to give visibility to this project?

In the world of the digital age, just one platform is enough to provide all kinds of information and resources to all kinds of people located anywhere in the world, since everything is just one click away.

This platform can also be consulted in both English and Catalan, Galician and Basque so that thousands of people have access to the digital resources found there.

The contents of the BNEscolar

This platform is divided into several sections so that educators and parents can use these resources adapted to their needs and preferences.

The searcher

The first of the resources found within the digital platform of the National Library is a search engine to retrieve different types of resources that will later be used in the classroom. The best thing that this search engine includes is the possibility of narrowing down by:

  • Educational level: fifth and sixth year of Primary Education, Secondary Education and Baccalaureate.
  • Subjects: biology, artistic drawing and performing arts, among others.
  • Authors.
  • Languages: both in English and Spanish.
  • Type of resources: audios, photographs, graphics and illustrations, among many others.
  • Centuries.

In this way, teachers will have the possibility of showing elements related to a specific century or a specific subject.

Teaching sequences

The practical applications of the theory are one of the parts that students like the most. For this reason, in this section, the National Library proposes a series of topics that include both a guide for teachers and a guide for students with all kinds of information about the subject being discussed.

Teacher working with her students with the BNEscolar.

Interactive challenges, one of the funniest sections of the BNEscolar

This section of the BNEscolar will be one of the ones that students like the most. There are two games in it. In the first place, an escape game, simulating the well-known Escape Rooms that are so fashionable today and, secondly,  a mobile application that consists of solving questions about a specific topic that you choose before starting the game.


The workshops are another of the practical applications of theory that students like the most. On this occasion, BNEscolar currently offers three different workshops. A fascinating and complete information on each of the workshops is available to educators and to all those who want to consult it.

On the one hand, there is a presentation with detailed information and even videos necessary for the workshop and, on the other hand, the teacher’s guide with everything necessary to carry out these fantastic activities.


In the digital age, audiovisual content could not be absent. Due to this move, the National Library decides to include a section devoted entirely to videos.

Each of them will present a different theme, all of them very interesting for children and young people, thus offering an alternative and equally valid way of learning.

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