Catching A Plane During Pregnancy

One of the most important things to consider when taking a plane during pregnancy is the airline’s policies. What other measures must be taken into account on these trips?
Catch a plane during pregnancy

For pleasure, business or shopping, a woman may be forced to catch a plane during pregnancy. There are many myths about travel and pregnant women. A few decades ago, pregnancy was considered a disease. The pregnant woman was surrounded by a halo of mystery.

Today there is access to information. Pregnancy is treated as a natural issue. The necessary recommendations are given openly so that both the pregnant woman and the people around her know what to do.


One of the most important things to consider when taking a plane during pregnancy is the airline’s policies. Restrictions should be reviewed, as the airline may prohibit boarding if the pregnant woman does not meet its requirements.

Although each airline has different restrictions, there are some conditions that apply to almost all of them. Here we will look at some of the most common restrictions.

1.- Medical certificate

Many airlines request it to ensure gestation time. From the 28th week of pregnancy for many companies it is mandatory. In this certificate must be the permission of the doctor in which he guarantees that the pregnant woman does not suffer from any complications.

Sometimes it is required that the certificate has not been issued more than two weeks in advance. These measures seek to avoid emergencies that are difficult to deal with during a flight.

2.- Gestation time

Most airlines do not allow pregnant women with more than 35 weeks of gestation to board; some reach week 36. In most of them they  request the medical certificate from week 28.

3.- Distance

Long flights tend to have more restrictions. In all cases it is forbidden to board a plane very close to delivery. This also applies to women who have just given birth, as they must wait for their full recovery.

For different reasons some women have to take the plane during pregnancy.

4.- Multiple pregnancies

Some airlines may have special restrictions when it comes to carrying more than one fetus. It is a fact that future mothers of twins, twins or pregnancies with more than two babies should consider.

Gestation time

Until week 28 there are usually no restrictions on the part of the airlines. Although there are no problems with the regulations for pregnant women, the different stages of pregnancy influence the advisability of taking a plane trip.

First trimester

It is the first trimester in which the statistics register more spontaneous abortions. There is no direct relationship between this fact and travel, however, it is convenient to take this into consideration.

During the first trimester the symptoms of pregnancy can be more bothersome. Nausea is one of the main drawbacks during this period. Pregnant women may experience a lot of nausea while traveling. To avoid them it is recommended:

  • Smell lemon. It can be a slice, this minimizes nausea.
  • Eat little. Small portions will prevent the urge to vomit.
  • Drink cold drinks. They could reduce nausea.

Second trimester

It is the ideal way to catch a plane during pregnancy. The symptoms have lessened and the mother still hasn’t gained much weight.

There are many myths about pregnant women and flights.

Third trimester

The mother may have gained more weight, making the seats and even the bathroom on the plane uncomfortable.

Recommendations for taking a plane during pregnancy

  • Travel in comfortable clothing. The future mother must avoid circulatory problems. In addition, it is important that you feel comfortable during the trip.
  • Drink water. Hydration is essential so that the blood does not thicken. In airplanes, the environment is usually drier, so it is recommended to drink a lot of water.
  • Stay in movement. One of the risks of air travel is thrombosis. So that this does not happen, it is recommended to get up every hour and take walks for a few minutes.
  • Put on the seat belt correctly. It is important not to put it on the belly. In case of turbulence or a rough landing it is important that the strap does not press on the mother’s abdomen.
  • Eat little and light. This prevents nausea and indigestion. A digestion complication could be difficult to handle during the flight.

It is always recommended to have the advice of the doctor before taking a plane during pregnancy. Nothing can replace your advice.

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