Challenges Of Executive Mothers In The Lactation Stage

Combining a professional life with the task of being a mother is not easy. Know the challenges that you could face in such a case, and learn how to overcome them!
Challenges of executive mothers in the lactation stage

Executive mothers are very common today, however, it still represents a challenge for them to be able to attend to their role at work and family, especially during the lactation stage. In the same way, for companies it constitutes a modification in their work approaches, this time aimed at satisfying the needs of motherhood.

For many years, the role of women was concentrated in the main lines of the family, but today we also see them as the protagonist of the economic boost of their companies. The female role in the economic area has been very effective, which is why many women have put their professional activity before the construction of a family.

However, to speak that the labor field is prepared to assume the obligation to favor maternal needs is among said. We cannot always say that it is easy for any company to fulfill the role of mothers, which is why it can be said that it is one of the main challenges for mothers.

Overcome challenges for executive mothers

If we asked executive mothers in the lactation stage, if they are prepared to overcome the challenges that arise in this regard, we would know that the majority would answer yes. However, this does not mean that it is simple, in particular because the flexibility and comfort in this regard, does not depend on them but on their companies.


The stage of breastfeeding is as important for mother and child as is pregnancy, in both periods care and concentration are necessary to achieve healthy results. In this sense, companies are obliged to make their regulations more flexible and adapt their infrastructure to the presence of the future mother and then the nursing mother.

The aforementioned results in women being, to a great extent , at a disadvantage compared to men in order to receive job opportunities. Other challenges that can be overcome for executive mothers are:

• Flexibility

This is a challenge most of all for companies, but it means an indispensable need for the mother. Long working hours, as well as the responsibility to fulfill certain programs, must be balanced so that moms can fulfill their role in the organization and in the family.

It is understood that to a large extent breastfeeding mothers have had to leave their jobs because they have not achieved the desired flexibility, as well as other compensations depending on their situation.

• Lack of infrastructure

More and more companies are joining the creation or adaptation of facilities intended to function as a maternity ward, but as we know, most do not have them. In other words, there is a general lack of spaces for mothers to fulfill the need for breastfeeding.

According to the labor laws, executive mothers must receive a benefit that allows them to take care of breastfeeding, either to move to breastfeed or to do it in the company. That is to say, a place is necessary where women in this situation have the necessary conditions, both to breastfeed and to express and preserve milk.

• Coordination of schedules

Coordination between the breastfeeding mother and the human resources area is recommended, so that both functions can be performed during the same working day. For this, it is necessary to consider all the factors that can positively and negatively affect the development of work.


If necessary, the transfer time, the duration of the process and the return at the indicated time to continue their work must be considered. It’s also a good idea to schedule a possible replacement by another worker.

• Maintain adequate food

As is known, people during working hours do not eat in the same way as those who are at home. For this reason, it is possible that the type of food received at work varies negatively in relation to that which should be consumed by a breastfeeding mother.

Likewise, it is likely that meal times are altered or that there is not adequate hydration, as well as the incorporation of essential nutrients. Experts recommend avoiding excessive caffeine and fat consumption during breastfeeding.

• Lack of financial support

Executive mothers can be financially favored by their organization, only when their presence is very important to it. However, in most cases, one of the challenges to overcome is that expenses increase during maternity.

Similarly, the lack of financial support makes it difficult to hire a babysitter or pay for daycare. However, this situation could be remedied with the integration of daycare centers in companies, which is still a dream in most of them.

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