Children And Signs Of Affection

Education is an issue of concern to all parents. Although many strive to see their children progress, a large part forget the displays of affection, something essential for their healthy development.
Children and signs of affection

As a mother, you surely care about your child’s education, health and development. Also, you strive to give it the best in every way. However, sometimes, many parents forget to show affection, something very important for the growth of every child. 

What are the signs of affection?

The displays of love and affection are expressions with which you can show how much you appreciate someone. They go far beyond giving a gift; for example, parents should show affection to their children through gestures and words, with kisses, hugs, praise, kindness, recognizing their qualities and also when they do things well.

Why are shows of affection important?

These actions are essential for the growth of a healthy and confident child. However, some parents hold back from showing affection because they think that expressing love and affection makes them weak and more vulnerable.

However, the truth is that people can suppress the displays of affection, but not the affection they feel inside.

When children repress and fail to show how they feel, they are likely to have trouble  socializing  with people around him. Therefore, not teaching your child to give affection is a big mistake. Rather, you, as a parent, must show your child how to receive and give affection in an appropriate and balanced way.

On the other hand, it is important that the child understands the reason for giving and receiving affection. Again, parents are key players. But in what ways can you show affection to your child?

The signs of affection must be expressed from an early age.

How to show affection?

Many parents do not know how to show affection to their children, so  they focus on working hard and reward the time they do not spend with them by buying them whatever they want.

However, this only creates dependent, dissatisfied, insecure people and with a bad point of view towards material things. In view of this, we will show you some tips that will help you show affection to your child:


They say that time is money; When you dedicate it to your children, it is worth even more. In fact, parents who share more frequently with their children have been seen to create stronger bonds of friendship and love. This, in turn, builds confidence and self-esteem.

The discipline

This can be an issue that creates controversy, since many parents erroneously consent to their children more than necessary and do not set norms or limits, which are necessary for their education. Therefore, you should not be shy about teaching your child principles and rules  that help him see what is right and wrong.

Really share

Do not make the mistake of thinking that just by watching television or eating with your little one you are already dedicating quality time. You should take advantage of moments like meals or walks to talk with him.

This will allow you to know him, to know what things he likes and what things he does not. In this way, your child  will feel that you are listening .

Take advantage of the media

You can’t always be with your child, so you can  text him asking how he’s doing or saying you love him. These are displays of affection that you are sure to appreciate very much.

For example, if you work nights, you can wish your child happy dreams through a call or text message. These are details that really make a difference.

The displays of affection are essential for the sociability of the little ones.

Give compliments

Surely you like to be commended and recognized when you do some activities or jobs well. The same thing happens with your child:  you should encourage him when he is obedient and if he is doing well in school; also  when doing some activity or task at home well. This will make you feel valued and you will want to keep improving as a person.

Without a doubt, displays of affection bring great rewards in the future. In fact, when a child receives the right affection, he is more self-confident.

In addition,  this will encourage you to have good self-esteem and to be better prepared for the problems you are going to face. In short, you should spare no effort to show affection to your child!

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