Children Are Not The Future, They Are The Present Of The World

If children are the future of the world, parents are responsible for sowing in them the appropriate seeds of love, respect, and tolerance.
Children are not the future, they are the present of the world

The mere fact that your child exists is a present. He, like all children, embodies the living promise that the world can be transformed, in the future, into a better place. Your child is a precious gift that must be cared for as the greatest treasure of humanity, because great changes depend on this generation.

Years ago, when some daring thinkers imagined that we could communicate remotely through calls, their ideas seemed like science fiction. But now that we can even observe our interlocutor on screen, we marvel that we are living the future that those dreamers envisioned. That future that they so vividly imagined is our present and it is also the present of your son. A child who thrives in a world full of comforts and technology barely imagined by our grandparents.

And the best of all is that this reality, this present is still a project under construction that can be improved. The changes are in our hands, because the education of your child (who will have a leading role in the future), is your responsibility.


The future is in the present and in you

The future is today, so clear. No one can expect the future to be better if they don’t work on becoming a better person. If you do not change your present that is also that of your child.

And to change your present (and consequently that of your child) it is necessary that you work on being a conscious mother, connected with the here and now. And consistent with the fundamental role you have in the moral, intellectual and spiritual formation of your baby. Well, when you raise your child in a respectful way, you are aware that the life circumstances that surround him will have a decisive influence on the adult he will become.

There is a very close bond between you and your child. When he is in your womb, you represent his whole world, he is united to you, he feeds on you and grows inside you. When he is born, you are still everything to him, his main example to learn to handle himself in society.

That is why it is very important that you keep in mind that when your child is listened to, he learns to listen. He will also learn to respect his peers if you treat him with respect. He will develop patience if you have it for him, and as he feels loved and forgiven, then he will learn to love and forgive.

But, equally, he will also be prone to criticize if he feels criticized. Your child has the ability to assimilate a lot of learning and he will do so, above all, from the example he has around him.


Building together

That is why the environment in which your child operates is so important. It is essential that you share with people of different generations such as your uncles, cousins ​​and grandparents. And that you feel comfortable sharing with them, that you feel that you can live together healthily and being happy.

The need to share with your family and friends will help you integrate into society. In fact, this is one of the central characteristics of societies, which has been dangerously fading over time. Sharing as a family makes us healthier people and this is a custom that you can rescue with your child.

Remember that all human beings need adults, and especially our parents, to finish developing as people. That is why your performance as a mother is essential in the growth process of your child. And, therefore, you also have a fundamental role in the future, because you are its present.

You have the opportunity to plant in your child seeds of hope, love, dedication, responsibility … And to help him understand that even if we have made mistakes, we can always improve.

People and the world in general are always a project under construction, which has the opportunity to improve every day. You also have the opportunity every day to sow the future, to take care of it, to love it. Because everything you do for your child, for your family and for yourself helps to build a better future.

Your child's future is today

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