Danger Of Sparkling Water And Sodas During Pregnancy

Intake of sparkling water is allowed during pregnancy, although it must be taken into account that it can increase the risk of developing digestive problems.
Danger of sparkling water and soda during pregnancy

There are opinions that sparkling water and soft drinks are not recommended during pregnancy because they cause a series of diseases and come to increase conditions that can be had during this period. It is also said that, for example, the refined sugar in soft drinks causes heartburn and makes you fat.

As we know that you are concerned, we decided to investigate about it. By the way, we will disprove some myths that are woven around this theme.

Danger of sparkling water during pregnancy

Sparkling water is basically water with carbonic acid, in addition to the odd mineral depending on the source from which it comes. Beyond these compounds, the myth that this drink is harmful during pregnancy is false. Here we explain why.

Carbonated water (sparkling water) is not recommended for those people, pregnant or not, who suffer from flatulence and aerophagia, as carbonic acid would increase the amount of gas in your body. But beyond these two discomforts there are no contraindications for a pregnant woman to consume it, but there is talk of some benefits that the compound could bring her.

Close up of a cute pregnant belly with a glass of water

Since carbonic acid enters the body, it favors the secretion of gastric juices and stimulates digestion, so drinking carbonated water could be a good way to relieve heavy digestions during pregnancy and would work very well in those women who suffer from dyspepsia.

The popular belief that carbonated water is highly caloric and should not be drunk by overweight people is also false.

For all this we ratify you that  as long as it is only water and carbonic acid there is no danger that you drink it.

Keep in mind that drinking water, carbonated or not, before meals has been shown to increase the feeling of fullness. This reduces the risk of biting between meals.

Soda Danger During Pregnancy

Unlike carbonated water, carbonated drinks are harmful to health, whether or not you are expecting a child.

You should know that these foods that could perfectly occupy the first positions in the category of “junk food”, contain high amounts of sucrose, fructose, artificial flavorings and caffeine. These elements are capable of promoting obesity, according to a study published in Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences.

They also have many other compounds that increase body fat, are carcinogenic, cause damage to tooth enamel, cause cavities and cause dependence.

These and many other factors are responsible for diseases such as:

  • Diabetes.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Osteoporosis.

Conditions that if you are expecting a child can endanger the health, that of your little one, and lead you to be diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy.

Drinking soda during pregnancy also works against good nutrition. 

With regard to the caffeine found in carbonated soft drinks, it is necessary to advise caution. In high doses, this alkaloid is capable of precipitating an abortion, in addition to causing toxicity. It is best to restrict its consumption during pregnancy.

One of the sodas

The best liquid to maintain hydration is water

Although it is possible to consume sparkling water during pregnancy, you must bear in mind that the best option will always be mineral water. In fact, it is advisable to consume this slightly cool liquid given its ability to cause rapid and efficient gastric emptying. It does not usually cause discomfort and guarantees a good state of hydration.

It should also be noted that it does not contain sugars or toxic compounds among its constituents. For this reason it is always recommended that it is a cornerstone in any diet.

Drink sparkling water, but not soda

The human body is made up of water and needs this renewable natural resource (although some experts already consider it non-renewable) to perform all its functions; that’s why you have to drink water on a regular basis.

If you are pregnant and you drink sparkling water because that is your preference, perfect. There is no danger of you taking it if you do not suffer from flatulence or aerophagia. But, listen carefully, limit your intake of carbonated soft drinks because the latter can cause you several health problems.

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