Easy Games For Children’s Birthdays

Games on children’s birthdays are always successful. Therefore, in this article we give you some ideas.
Easy games for children's birthdays

Celebrating children’s birthdays and having mothers organize everything is in fashion. From the decoration of the party, through the appetizers and, even, the realization of games so that they have fun during the celebration. Therefore, today we bring you a series of ideas on easy games for children’s birthdays so that you have a wide repertoire prepared for the party.

Easy games for children’s birthdays

1. The game of chairs

One of the easiest games for children’s birthdays and that has been used in all parties for many years is the game of chairs. It consists of putting a series of chairs with the seat facing out in a circle next to each other. You will have to use a chair unless there are children.

Children should circle around the chairs while the music is playing. When it stands, they should quickly get into a chair. In this way, one of the children will be eliminated by not having a chair.

Once the first child has been eliminated, a chair is removed. This process will be repeated until there is only one chair and two children left playing. The child who manages to sit in the last chair will win.

2. Gymkana

This game must be prepared before the birthday begins. The gymkhana will consist of finding the treasure chest from a series of clues that you will write on papers that you will leave around various places in the space where the party is held.

You must take into account the ages of the children to elaborate the clues with more or less difficulty, since they have to be able to find the next one easily. The treasure chest can contain trinkets or a small gift for each child depending on the option you want to choose.

3. Sack races

Children love to be in constant motion, that is why the sack race will be one of the easiest games to do on children’s birthdays.

For the sack race you will need, worth the redundancy, sacks for the children to get inside. In teams or pairs, depending on the number of children attending the party, they must travel a certain path by jumping into the bag. 

Once they have gone and returned along the way, they will have to give the relief to their partner so that he does the same. The team or the couple that manages to do it in the shortest time will win.

Easy games for children's birthdays.

4. Hold the egg

This is one of the games that children tend to like the most because of its “dangerousness”. To play, you will need as many spoons as children are and a few eggs.

We advise you to boil the eggs before the birthday begins so as not to stain the children too much, but without them knowing it, to maintain the excitement.

In pairs or teams, one of the children will have to hold the egg using only the spoon. This will be put in their mouths. They will make a round trip and pass the egg to their partner. If the egg falls at any point along the way, they will have to start over from the exit.

5. The handkerchief game

This is one of the easiest games for children’s birthdays in which you will only need a handkerchief. Gather the children in a circle. One of them will be the guardian of the handkerchief and will circle around his companions, who will be sitting on the ground with their eyes closed singing the following song:

“To the handkerchief from behind, tris, after,

you neither see nor will you see it, tris, behind.

Look up, ants are falling.

Look down, beetles fall.

Hands on, the commander is coming.

Hands back, the captain is coming. 

To sleep to sleep. Until what time? ” 

At that time, the handkerchief guardian child will say a number from 1 to 12 and place the handkerchief behind one of his companions. When the children finish counting, they should open their eyes and turn around to see who got the handkerchief.

The chosen child must get up and run to catch the guardian. If he succeeds, the guardian will remain the same child. If he doesn’t, he will be the new guardian.

Easy games for children's birthdays.

6. Piñata

The piñata is one of the funniest moments of a children’s birthday. You will only need to get one and fill it with candies and trinkets for the children.

You must cover the eyes of the child who celebrates the birthday so that he  can break it without seeing and that all the children can enjoy the sweets that will fall to the ground.

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