Fear Of Pooping In Children

In children, fear or phobias of some things are normal, among them the most natural for any human being, such as going to the bathroom to relieve themselves.
The fear of pooping in children

The fear of pooping in children is almost always associated with intestinal disorders  that go hand in hand with the type of food they eat. Intestinal laziness, in general, causes irritation or pain in children, and that is why when they feel the urge to defecate again they refuse to do so.

It is also possible that, if the child is in a strange or different place than the one he is used to, he may be self-conscious about carrying out this physiological need spontaneously. This denial leads to constipation, and therefore, the infant may have hard, dry stools that are difficult to excrete, causing pain and discomfort.

Why is fear of pooping present in children?

In general, this phobia is caused by constipation and the consequences that are associated with it, but it can also be due to other causes, among which we can mention the most common:

Excess diet based on meat and eggs

A high consumption of protein leads to the hardening of the poop and, therefore, difficulty in defecating. Feeding at an early age should be supervised by a specialist since this is essential for the healthy growth and development of children. With proper monitoring and supervision digestive disorders are avoided.

Sedentary or lazy life

The lack of exercise in children triggers not only inconveniences when defecating, but also other types of cardiovascular disorders, which is why it is necessary to involve them in sports and physical activities according to their age.

Nervous disorders associated with mental effort

These occur at school age when children feel burdened by mental overwork or concerns derived from school duties and activities.


Children often do not dare to defecate in strange places because they are embarrassed or do not feel comfortable. The possibility of being seen by strangers or getting dirty gives rise to the fear of pooping in children.

The fear of pooping in children.

Little water consumption

When the minimum necessary amounts of liquid are not ingested, the stool hardens more. This causes pain and even, sometimes, the presence of blood due to the effort made when defecating. For fear of repeating these episodes in the bathroom, children avoid pooping at all costs.

When this type of phobias intensifies, it generates a lot of discomfort and discomfort, since the body is prevented from carrying out a natural function such as eliminating organic waste. Avoiding doing so can trigger serious problems such as appendicitis, infections, intestinal fermentations and ailments in the bile ducts, among others.

How to cope with the fear of pooping in children?

Feeling phobias is completely normal, especially in the first years of life. However, even if it is common, they cannot be underestimated; on the contrary, they must be dealt with in time with the seriousness of the case and with the help of a specialist. By acting in time, we will avoid, to a large extent, that these take root and cause other types of diseases.

Phobias or fears are usually responses to an adverse situation of pain, unpleasant moments or disgust that are usually avoided. In the initial stages of life, these types of reactions are innate and arise without thinking about the consequences of not facing a certain situation.

As parents, we must be very understanding and provide a lot of support to our children so that little by little they can overcome these barriers. We must avoid at all costs forcing or forcing children to face these fears, since this, far from helping, will increase the difficulty of overcoming them.


Talking openly about the fear of pooping in children gathered as a family will help our children feel confident about the issue and express their concerns and fears freely.

Fluid communication will increase the chances of finding the correct strategies to face this phobia, allowing the little ones to be part of the solution and lessening the burden that it causes them.

The fear of pooping in children.

When they feel support from their environment, when they understand and share the solutions to their phobias, these will gradually diminish because the child will internalize that he has in his hands and in his family the possibility of overcoming any adverse situation.

This will not only help you in this specific case, but in many others that may generate a conflict of emotions or security.

Childhood fears and phobias

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