Floating Water: A Revolutionary Invention

Floating water is a revolutionary invention to prevent drowning in swimming pools and water parks. It is a physics-based mechanism that can save lives.
Floating water: a revolutionary invention

Technology advances more and more and with it, the way people function in the environment. We constantly come across multiple inventions emerging as ways to improve human life in the not too distant future. 

For example, how many times have you worried that your child is safe and secure in the pool? Guess what the new revolutionary invention is to avoid many worries:  floating water to prevent drowning in swimming pools.

Floating water, a new idea

The engineer Antonio Ibáñez de Alba has developed a type of water in which people can float without needing to know how to swim or use any support. This type of water does not contain salt and is 30 times more dense than the water commonly used in swimming pools, this is the novelty that this engineer presents to us.

Ibáñez worked at NASA for 20 years and during all this time he has dedicated himself to finding the solution to prevent people and children from drowning in swimming pools, a more common evil than we often imagine.

Where did the idea of ​​floating water come from?

Although Ibáñez affirms that there has been no case of drowning in his family, he admits that it causes him great sadness and shock to read news in which the cause of death is drowning. His involvement with society and with the little ones has led him to want to contribute to a better world. On the other hand, Ibáñez has experience as a semi-professional swimmer.

We must not forget that  drowning in swimming pools is the leading cause of death worldwide in children between the ages of 5 and 14. A figure that shows how dangerous swimming pools can be, although many times we do not take it into account. The supervision and care of our children when we go to the beach or the pool should be one of our priorities.

The first attempt by the engineer to put an end to this type of tragedy was in 2003, when he developed his project for an anti-drowning pool. This project allowed him to win the First International Prize at the Barcelona Fair for Technological Innovation. The second version consisted of improving the project through the development of floating water.

Going to the pool is a way to have fun with the little ones

What impact does floating water have?

Floating water is already used in many water parks, spa rehabilitation and spas. Thanks to this, the Andalusian engineer wants to go much further, and take his idea to the whole of Spain in terms of safety to avoid drowning.

For Ibáñez,  his main concerns are:

  1. The safety of children, for whom the danger can often go unnoticed.
  2. The peace of mind of the parents, whom you want to help, or at least make life easier with your invention.

A third invention is on the way!

The engineer and researcher will soon appear in Barcelona, ​​Spain, to present his third invention, on which he claims to have improved the idea. With this, we can verify that Ibáñez is definitely involved with the work of safeguarding the lives of people in the water.

In the newspaper Crónica, he announced that his new design “ is a silkscreen as a stamp –like the ones in nightclubs– only colorless, which is applied on the nape and thanks to a conductive ink associated with an algorithm it controls in real time the submersion times of bathers, both in a pool and in the open sea ”.

In this way, if the screen printing remains underwater for longer than it should, the parental alarms are activated. So parents can be calmer while their children enjoy in the water.

In summer children should have fun in the water, but always accompanied by their parents

Floating water, an invention that can save lives

Ibáñez is a creative person. He always looks for a way to develop technology that makes life easier for human beings, so it will not be surprising that we continue to see his name, both in the scientific environment and in the media. We hope your ideas continue to be successful and that we can access your inventions very soon!

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