Foods To Relieve Stomach Pain In Children

Does your child suffer from stomach pain on a frequent basis? Well, keep in mind the following dietary tips. If you put them into practice, the frequency of these problems may be reduced.
Foods to relieve stomach pain in children

Stomach pain in children is much more common than many believe. Without any apparent cause or even without even presenting any other symptoms, children often report this type of ailment. Although the factors can be multiple, there are a number of foods to relieve stomach pain.

Among the most common causes are, for example, a minimal “satiety” or a slight inflammation of the stomach lining, known as gastritis. Other times the child may not tolerate certain proteins present in food (dairy, gluten, etc.) or is affected by a passing virus.

It is always recommended to consult with the child’s pediatrician to determine the origin of this pain. However, in the meantime, we can alleviate the discomfort by going to a series of foods recommended for the positive action they generate in the stomach.

Foods to relieve stomach pain

In general, the common sense of every person and the maternal instinct of each mother leads us down a single path. We see as the solution to this type of condition to reject certain types of food that, we believe, can damage the stomach.

In this way, those products that include a lot of fats, sugars or spices are left out. Dairy, fruits and sweets are also ruled out of the children’s menu without “buts”. As a measure, we simply turn to rice and sometimes hard or dry cheeses. But are there more foods to ease stomach pain?

There are numerous foods to relieve stomach pain in children.

Recommended foods: 3 allied fruits to relieve discomfort

Who said that fruits are contraindicated when someone has a stomach ache? Some of them can be very beneficial in these specific cases. We invite you to discover what specialists in pediatric gastroenterology affirmed about these new allies:

  • Papaya. It has the valuable ability to reduce stomach inflammation. That is why it is also usually highly advisable to go to her in cases of stomach ulcers. One of the most recommended alternatives is to prepare juices with it. You only need half a papaya, a glass of water and a teaspoon of honey for this delicious healing recipe. As an option, it is possible to add another powerful anti-inflammatory: flax seeds. Its properties are due to the presence of an enzyme called papain. It has the ability to improve protein digestion, according to research published in the journal Frontiers in Plant Science.
  • Pear. It is nothing more and nothing less than a fruit that is always recommended for people with a “delicate stomach”. Therefore, under these circumstances, it is also indicated for its anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal flora. It is also possible to ingest it through natural juice, for which you just have to add a glass of water to the previously blended fruit.
  • Banana. As long as they are not too ripe -that is, preferably green-, they present enzymes that are beneficial to combat inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In this case you can also make a juice by adding a measure of water. Even many experts also recommend boiling its shell in water and then drinking the resulting liquid to cut diarrhea.

2 menus suitable for lunch or dinner

You already know one of the menus since you have gone to it numerous times. It is, without a doubt, the recurring ally: white rice. It is one of the foods to relieve stomach pain that helps eliminate gases and acids from the stomach. That is why it is recommended in case of gastric problems.

This dish can be accompanied only by a handful of hard or dry cheese or a teaspoon of olive oil. Under no point of view you can add creams or tomato sauces. Nor can you appeal to fresh creamy style cheeses, mozzarella, cheddar, etc.

There are a number of foods recommended to relieve stomach pain.

The second menu listed is chicken soup. A dish very well received by the little ones. This soup is also nutritious, light and very beneficial for gastritis. Another plus point is that it is very easily digested.

If you want to prepare it, you only have to carry out a series of simple steps. First, make a thin noodle soup – angel hair style – then add boiled chicken. This dish is certainly an excellent source of protein and is very effective against episodes of infantile nausea.

Another of the foods that you should frequently include in the children’s diet are yogurts. These fermented products contain probiotics, which help reduce transit problems and intestinal pain. Experts defend its regular consumption to reduce episodes of diarrhea and constipation.

Liquids allowed in different presentations

Of course, it is essential to hydrate the little ones at all times and under all circumstances. But for this, it is not only possible to go to the water, as we usually do. There are numerous options that will not only calm your child, but will also love it:

  • Chamomile infusion. Nothing has as many benefits for your child’s stomach as this plant. It is nothing less than an effective protector and repair of the gastric membrane. It is for this same reason that it is always advised in cases of indigestion, nausea and even vomiting.
  • Coconut water. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it one of the recommended foods for cases of stomach pain. As if this were not enough, it has a powerful hydrating power, surpassing even any isotonic drink. Among its benefits we find the purification and cleaning of the stomach, as well as a huge contribution of energy.

Against stomach pain … watch your diet

Remember, there are many remedies and foods to relieve stomach pain, try the one that best suits your child and do not let him suffer unnecessarily. Keep in mind that a varied and balanced diet will reduce the risk of your child suffering from these types of problems.

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