Guillour Method: A Way To Increase Concentration In Children

The Guillour method to increase concentration in children is based on the performance of structured exercises through lines and strokes. Its execution allows the development of spatial intelligence and eye-hand coordination.
Guillour method: a way to increase concentration in children

There are children who perform their tasks quickly, in a short time, without looking up from the notebook. However, others are slower and take longer, because anything strongly attracts their attention and they are easily distracted. For all of them, this system is more than interesting. It is called the Guillour method of increasing concentration in children and is based on observation through a mirror.

These are structured exercises using lines and strokes. Sometimes the exercise will ask you to copy a drawing in the same direction as it is observed, and sometimes to copy it the other way around. Or look for the exit of a labyrinth but without stopping looking in the mirror. Keep reading and we will tell you all about him.

What is the Guillour method?

The Guillour method is based on the performance of structured exercises through lines and strokes where children copy or review while looking at the image in a mirror. That is, children must work on symmetry and spatial intelligence. This also forces them to focus and focus on the small details in the image. The child must thus reproduce the figure or series of figures reflected in the mirror, look for hidden figures or trace paths.

The Guillour method helps improve concentration in children.

Benefits of the Guillour method

  1. It helps the child to stimulate the cerebral hemispheres, because he must use the lateralities.
  2. Create a better neural and brain connection.
  3. With their stroking exercises they improve the coordination between the eye and the hand.
  4. It develops the cycles of concentration, because the child observes and then captures it on paper.
  5. It allows to improve the observation capacity.
  6. Extends logical thinking strategies for problem solving.
  7. It collaborates with the increase of the child’s self-esteem.
  8. Calm anxiety.
  9. Helps improve attention span.
  10. Improves school performance.

The attention and the functioning of the two cerebral hemispheres

When we achieve concentration on something, our attention is focused on an explicit topic. The work of the two cerebral hemispheres intervenes in this process. Thus, the left hemisphere is responsible for the logical, analytical and verbal functions. On the other hand, the right hemisphere controls the non-verbal, spatial and analog part.

The exercises are structured and serve to increase concentration and promote functioning and connection between both hemispheres. This contributes to lower anxiety levels.  In addition, psychomotor stimulation is achieved by alternating the functions of your arm to be able to perform the exercise.

Other methods of concentration for children

In addition, concentration in children can be exercised through other tools:

  • The borders or frets. This is a game in which you must count the squares and take into account each of the details. Later it can be requested that they be reproduced as in the example or that they be copied in reverse.
  • Puzzles The quintessential game that helps you stay focused and exercise patience.
  • Puzzles and differences. They are fun games for both children and adults. In the case of puzzles, they help to find solutions and to exercise deductive logic. With the differences, they will focus on the details.
  • Domino. A classic with multiple benefits. There are dominoes created for children. By joining equivalent images they will also develop their strategic capacity.
  • Memory Card. Exercises memory and concentration. Children should look at a series of picture cards that they will stop seeing in a few seconds. They must remember in which position the images were repeated in pairs.
  • Labyrinths. Finding a way out may seem easy, but it is not when the maze gets complicated and the child begins to lose patience. A fantastic exercise to exercise deductive intelligence in passing.
  • Paint mandalas.  Ideal for more restless children, since mandalas require some patience, concentration and effort. The use of art to improve concentration is a success.
There are numerous games to develop memory and concentration.

Who does the Guillour method favor?

This method especially favors children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity) or patients who have suffered some type of brain injury. However, the method is totally effective in people who need to increase concentration in general and can be applied to both adults and children.

On the other hand, it is an exercise that is recommended to be performed slowly. That is, the child must capture the drawing reflected in the mirror and then go over the lines with his finger slowly. When the child traces the lines with his finger, he focuses better on what he is doing.

Recommended exercise

The best known exercise within the Guillour Method consists of placing a sheet on a table and placing a mirror in front of it to observe its reflection. Of course, you should not look directly at the sheet or notebook, but rather keep your gaze in the mirror.

With a pencil, you should trace the outline of the figures using different colors. With the index finger of the left hand you have to go through the divisions, paying attention to the images, and with the right hand you have to enclose or underline those that are the same. In left-handed children the procedure should be the opposite: follow the shapes with the left hand and enclose them with the right hand.

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