How To Apply The Stop Thinking Method In Pregnancy?

How to apply the Stop Thinking Method in pregnancy?

The Stop Thinking method is based on the premise that concerns are put aside. In pregnancy there are many fears encountered, and more with those thoughts that do not come out of the head. The fears and worries of all the responsibilities that overwhelm us during this stage can cause us to collapse.

According to experts, stop thinking so much, it helps to not cause so much stress in pregnancy. With good reason many people warn us that it is not okay to think so much. Letting go of worries is not easy, but it is something that can be achieved. We do not achieve anything by worrying too much, we must put a stop to negative thoughts.

The worries and fears that assail the pregnant mother can even appear in the months before pregnancy. This implies that stress greatly affects the emotional aspect and hormonal changes. According to the fertility psychologist Victoria Martínez, when we try to stay in a state, our emotions affect us.

How does the Stop Thinking method help us?

The Stop Thinking method is applicable to many situations in our life. However, during pregnancy it is especially useful. Positive and negative thoughts affect us in the same way. Just as being positive helps us, being negative hurts us. Our body does not let this kind of thing pass, it always finds ways to reflect it.

On the other hand, if a woman is in doubt that she will get pregnant or not, the wait can be long. Then come the fears that something bad may happen throughout the pregnancy. By this time they are already becoming an obsession. These thoughts occupy the brain of the woman day and night.

It is advisable to curb these unnecessary skills or instincts for irrational protection. Doubting about something bad that can happen to us is common, but it must be stopped with will. It may be that these thoughts take over the life of the pregnant woman, that is why a Stop Thinking is necessary.

woman thinking about having a baby

The mother who projects negative situations can be a constant source of stress. This damages both the health of the mother and the health of the baby. Anguish, anxiety can lead to early labor or worse, an abortion. It can also induce frights with unexpected and missed contractions without consequences.

The best way to master the typical phrase “What if …” is to always be in contact with the gynecologist to find out and clarify doubts. In the case of couples who underwent artificial insemination, the concern is usually greater, for the reasons that led to this action.

Recommendations for applying the Stop Thinking method

Dr. Martínez recommends us to apply this method through the following statements.

Adjusting to pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs it is important to free yourself from those worries. The feelings that appeared before and after should give way to focus on the pregnancy. This very valuable process creates the bond between the fetus and the mother.

Manage stress and anxiety

Learn to control and cope with the accumulation of emotions and feelings that occur in the different stages of pregnancy. Learn to trade negative emotions for feelings of security and control.

sad mom

Enjoy all stages of pregnancy

It is evident that no one understands women, especially if they have a highly developed instinct. However, the important thing is that they maintain a positive attitude. If not, it is recommended that psychological support be sought during the pregnancy process. For this, nothing better than the Stop Thinking method. Stop thinking with little tips that will help clear your mind.

It consists of concentrating on positive thoughts and letting go of negative ones that can cause stress. Taking a short period of time to clear your mind, the bedroom is a suitable place to achieve this goal.

Replace bad thoughts with a song, the sound will not leave room for bad feelings. You can also stop the idea with your mind before it arrives. Stopping it with his hand, doing like a kind of command. Stop Thinking acts as a distraction and as a punishment for obsessions.

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