How To Care For Children’s Hair?

How to care for children's hair?

Infant hair is very delicate from birth, in fact some babies are born without hair or lose it within a few months. In this sense, it is possible that mothers begin to worry about him growing up healthy and strong, especially when it comes to girls; But we don’t always know how to take care of it to help it improve.

Similarly, hair care in children is necessary to avoid diseases of the scalp, the appearance of fungi or the dreaded pediculosis (lice infection). In the case of babies, care begins to be carried out more specifically after six months, which is when the hormonal adjustment that causes the changes in their hair ends.

It also happens that some older girls begin to be interested in having their hair grow. For this reason, this time we want to share some tips on caring for the hair of our little ones, whether or not it is a mane.


Children’s hair care

The main thing is to be interested in this topic; It is normal for many mothers to let time pass to see what will happen to their babies’ hair, if it will lose it shortly, if it will stay as it was or if its appearance changes drastically.

Whatever the case, children’s hair must be cared for from birth, although over time the techniques vary, according to the type of hair, the style we want to give and the age of the child. To take care of it, it is important to apply the correct products, techniques and care ; Other tips to contribute to the care of children’s hair are the following:

  • Use specialized products for children, those with a neutral pH that favor the hair and scalp. There are lines of different brands that contain shampoo and conditioner, designed to clean, strengthen, shine, soften; without producing side effects.
  • For hair that is already growing, it is recommended to use a conditioner after shampooing whenever possible. This in order to help make it more manageable and easier to comb and detangle. Some baby oils, applied while hair is wet, are also very effective.
  • Avoid using masks and other cosmetic products that are not entirely appropriate for children. To promote growth and softness, shampoo and conditioner will suffice, as they still do not require stronger treatments.
  • Make sure to dry your hair well, because it is not advisable to go to sleep with wet hair. It is also not advisable to do braids or pigtails until it is completely dry.
  • Remember that the best time to comb and detangle is right at the time of washing, this to achieve greater softness and avoid mistreating the scalp or breaking the strands.
  • The specialists recommend that the hair be washed a maximum of a couple of times a week, that is, it is not necessary to wash it in each bath.
  • To avoid unruly hair and promote healthy growth, before any treatment, the best is daily brushing. Comb it carefully in the morning and at night, making sure they have their own comb and brush suitable for their age.
  • Protecting children’s hair is recommended , especially when girls have long hair and go to the beach or pool. In this case, after this visit, it is necessary to wash with shampoo and apply a moisturizer while the hair is still damp.
  • A good cut is recommended for all types of hair, because it is a very efficient technique to promote growth. Remember to visit a trusted hairdresser who has a good relationship with children, because this moment could be traumatic for some children. Also, an incorrect or no variation cut could permanently affect the hair.
  • It is advisable that children do not exchange their hair accessories, such as combs, hair ties, brushes, hairpins or hats; this to avoid contagion of lice or other diseases.

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