How To Correct Children Who Insult Effectively

Some children engage in inappropriate behaviors, such as swearing, name calling, or derogatory speech. Can children who insult be corrected effectively? Which can be the causes?
How to correct children who insult effectively

Sometimes, parents we find ourselves in the situation where our children insult, swear or speak in a derogatory way. These inappropriate behaviors don’t have to be for one reason alone. On many occasions, it is due to a combination of causes that cause them to have these behaviors. Do you want to know how to correct children who insult effectively?

It is clear that we must always take into account the age of the minor to correct these behaviors in one way or another; It is not the same for a 2-year-old to make an insult as an 11-year-old.

What can be the causes of these behaviors? How can we correct children who insult effectively? We will try to answer these questions below.

Causes why children insult

There can be several causes that produce these inappropriate behaviors, that is, there does not have to be only one cause, but they can occur in parallel. The most common are the following.

Child angry with parents, who do not know how to correct children who insult effectively.

Hereditary factors, character, temperament or personality

Depending on the personality or temperament of the child, this may be more prone or favor this type of inappropriate behavior such as insults.

Psychological problems, such as depression or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Some psychological problems can involve certain behavior problems during infancy or childhood. For this reason, it is important that we find out whether or not the child has a problem of this type in order to take the appropriate measures.

Self-esteem, attention, or socialization problems

Problems of this type can lead children to insult older people and to say derogatory or offensive words. On many occasions, these insults are a way of expressing the anger that children feel for other circumstances that are happening in their lives and over which they are not in control.

The educational style of the parents, especially the permissive

If parents are not able to enforce the rules or limits that children need and we agree to their requests in order not to face conflict, in the end, children become tyrants and parents become their slaves whom they insult. .

How can we correct children who insult effectively?

If we, the parents, are flexible and negligent, we are making them understand that the infant is the center of everything and that adults are there to satisfy everything they want. Therefore, if we reject their request, they end up insulting and saying derogatory words to the parents.

Proceed reasonably and persistently with children

In this way, children will more effectively internalize what we want to convey to them. If we are not firm, in the end, the little ones will end up being disoriented and behaving again in the way we did not want them to.

Teach them to manage their frustration to correct children who insult

It is very important that, from a young age, they learn to manage their frustration, because, when they are older, things will not always turn out the way they want and they must know how to handle these situations effectively. It is essential to teach them that not everything is always what you want or want and that things do not always go the way you want.

Learn to express your anger without harming or hurting others

Sometimes their feeling of anger is so intense that they release it by insulting or saying derogatory words to others. Therefore, it is important that we teach them other alternatives to release that anger and focus it towards other more constructive objectives.

Mother trying to correct her son so that he does not insult.

Be precise and uncompromising in enforcing and enforcing ground rules

This does not mean that we rely on punishment when enforcing the rules, but rather to set an example, understanding and a lot of motivation. Therefore, we must make the rules and regulations clear from the beginning and be inflexible when enforcing them.

Be their role model and role model to correct children who insult

We are the referents that children count on, since, since they are small, they learn by imitation. If parents get angry, insult or threaten them, we will not have the moral authority to correct those same behaviors in our children.

Moderate your reactions

Continuing with the previous point, we must bear in mind that the more we get angry with children when they insult, the more power we will be giving them. The little ones quickly learn from our reactions and how their insults affect us.

When we scold the child, we always have to stand firm, without being authoritative. We must explain without shouting; It is even preferable to ignore certain behaviors than to apply punishment.

Correcting children who insult effectively for a good education

These are some of the aspects that we can take into account when correcting children who insult effectively. But,  if we do not see a positive change in the children after applying them, the problem may be the product of a psychological problem and, therefore, we should contact a professional to advise us and provide us with effective guidelines for the specific case of our son.

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