How To Give Your Children A Dream Christmas

How to give your children a dream Christmas

In these December dates we often think that we would like to give “everything” so that our children have a dream Christmas. We analyze very well what we could do to meet the objective of: turning our children’s childhood into a trunk of beautiful experiences.
At this time the first thing that comes to mind is looking for a toy that is close to their tastes. We headed to the store and without difficulty we surely managed to find what we wanted, but now that the ideal gifts are waiting inside the boxes, we feel that it is not enough. Surely you think:  “Right now I think that what I want to give them is not related to expensive gifts.”

And it’s true. Parents juggle the budget to buy what we consider best for the little ones in the house. And this does not happen only on Christmas dates, during the other 11 months of the year we make an effort so that they have clothes, shoes and toys, but this is not enough either.

After all, they are growing and leaving behind everything that does not serve them to acquire new things.

The ideal is to offer them something that does not have an expiration date, that is not too small for them after three years or more; and that is precisely the virtue of memories.

The best christmas


All of us were children and, of course, we have unique moments saved. So it’s a good exercise to look back at the movie of our lives and see what we remember most fondly.

That is a good start to awaken the child in us and, from there, see the options we have at hand to bring happiness to our children, just as Mom and Dad did with us at the time.

Try to remember the most beautiful Christmas, perhaps what happened and why that special magic in the environment was due. Now that we are adults we understand that it is not about the material value of the toy, but perhaps everything that surrounded it, the music, sharing how much or little we had, maternal and brotherly love is what we understand today is the most important thing.

Tips to have a dream Christmas

Cultivate magic. It doesn’t matter how old your children are. Try not to be present when you place the gifts next to the tree or the manger.
Postpone discussions until next year. Little squabbles for whatever reason are always waiting for us. But try to make an effort not to fight with your partner or other family members in front of the children. It is not good for them to associate Christmas with family quarrels.
Decorate the house together. Lights, elves, fairies, Saint Nicholas. Take out everything you have stored and ask your children to place each piece in the place they like the most.
Get together as a family and sing Christmas songs. If you have a musical instrument at home, much better. Do not be afraid to make a fool of yourself, you will see that the whole family will appreciate moments like these.
Build the footprints of Santa Claus. Before Christmas morning, find a big pair of shoes, they might even be slippers. Take a jar of talcum powder and pour it on newspaper, stand on it, impregnate the soles with talcum powder and walk from the window or fireplace to the place of the gifts. The trail of footprints will be something difficult for your children to forget.

santa footprints

Buy a Christmas hat or glove.   Keep it hidden until it’s time for Santa’s arrival. You can put it on the window, like pretending that someone left it there by mistake. Let your children find out, no matter if it takes more than a day to figure out that detail.
Take family outings. They don’t have to get on a plane to share. Just walk together to the nearest square or go to the cinema to enjoy a movie.
Give hugs and good wishes. Before running to open the gifts, teach your children the importance of hugging as a family, how good it is to say how much you love each other, thank all the gestures of affection and say good wishes while looking into each other’s eyes.

Remember that you don’t need a royal banquet or a ticket to Disney World to have a dreamy Christmas. All you need is the warmth of family, so enjoy the company of your loved ones.

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