How To Maintain The Balance Between Family And Social Life?

Many times the chores around the house and the obligations that having children entail take us too far away from our friends and hobbies. However, it is essential to maintain a balance between family and social life.
How to maintain the balance between family and social life?

When the couple’s dynamics change and children arrive, it is difficult to maintain friendships and social life. Between work and the great responsibilities that being a mother implies, you can start to forget yourself, which is a big mistake. Let’s see how to maintain the balance between family and social life with the following recommendations.

The key is to fully enjoy the motherhood experience and take on all the challenges that come with it, but without isolating yourself. Set aside at least an hour in your schedule to share with your friends or do some of your hobbies.

How to maintain the balance between family and social life: the 8 keys you need

1.- Avoid thoughts of guilt

This is especially true for single mothers. Keep in mind that wanting time alone or with your friends does not make you a bad mother. As much as you enjoy time with your children, it is healthy for you and for them that you can share with other people.

2.- Respond to the messages you receive

As tired as you may be, set aside 5-10 minutes a day to reply to or send messages to your friends. All interpersonal relationships must be nurtured by contact and a feeling of closeness. With just a few kind words, you can strengthen social ties.

3.- Plan ahead

Think of hobbies and activities that you can share with family and friends. Whether it’s a picnic, movie night, a walk or dinner, all of them will be ideal to suspend the routine. Set a date or celebration at least once a month to spend time with those close to you.

How to maintain the balance between family and social life is a real challenge for many parents.

4.- Try to take time out

To achieve a balance between family and social life, ask someone you trust to take care of your children for a few hours to take a break. Being a mother is a beautiful job, but also one of the most exhausting. Take advantage of that free space to share a love date with your partner or to go out to eat with your friends.

5.- Vary the topics of conversation

It is quite common that in the meetings of friends who have children, the children are precisely the topic of conversation. Although it is completely normal, when this happens you ignore common interests with people who have another lifestyle. When you are alone with your partner, lead the conversation to other topics or issues.

6.- Make calls

If you have friends you haven’t seen or spoken to in a long time, give them a call. It is only 5 minutes that may not represent a long time but that strengthen friendships. Keep up to date with what is happening in the lives of the people you care about and also tell them what is happening in yours.

7.- Meet other parents

No one will understand better what happens to you day to day at home with the care of your children than other parents. In addition to being able to vent and share experiences, you can receive advice and new points of view. To do this, you can join a club or go to classes for fathers and mothers. This will undoubtedly help you find the balance between family and social life that you need.

Spending time with friends can be extremely comforting for a mother.

8.- Dedicate time to your relationship with your partner

When the children arrive at home, it is essential to continue strengthening the couple’s relationship. Lack of time and excessive occupations can deteriorate coexistence; this should be avoided as much as possible. Your partner must be the accomplice and support to adequately assume the role of family. Cultivate understanding and communication by looking for activities in common and spaces alone that remind you why you fell in love.

Social ties are essential when establishing a support group for your life. Whatever happens, even if tiredness tempts you to always stay home, go out into the world and give yourself a break.  Sharing with friends and your partner will help you relax, resolve stress and anxiety situations, be happier and be more active.

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