How To Make Time For Myself?

Taking time where there is none is one of the juggles that mothers with young children must do.
How to find time for myself?

How to find time for myself? When you have a child it can be very complicated. But by learning to establish productive routines, it can be done. The day a woman becomes a mother, she learns that, immediately, she stops being one person and becomes two. So your own priorities take a backseat.

The new creature occupies most of what was previously free time, or time devoted to satisfying personal needs and tastes.

For most mothers, there is nothing more enjoyable than spending all the time in the world with the baby. But, it is also convenient to have time for yourself. For this reason, we have prepared the following article in which we describe a good strategy to achieve this.

Productive routines

To make time, you first have to know how to organize it. Our productive routines have a lot to do with this.

A productive routine is that operation that we carry out under a certain sequence and we do not have to analyze it much to carry it out to the end.

Human beings are routine by nature, because on a daily basis we carry out a series of successive actions:

  • We get up, wash ourselves, get dressed, have breakfast and go outside.
  • We went out into the street, took the usual route and got to work.
  • We come back from work, make food, bathe, eat and sleep.

Each of these processes is conditioned by routine.

If we brush our teeth, we do it with the usual ritual. This is also the case with the disposition to serve our food on the plate, what we put on first when we dress, the way we sit, the side on which we usually put the bag or purse, etc.

How to find time for myself?

Routines accompany us throughout life and help us save time.

As we have them engraved in our minds, we do not need to stop to think how or when we are going to carry them out. We carry them out practically automatically.

Therefore, as a mother, a good way to shorten the time that one spends on daily tasks is by establishing productive routines in relation to some of them. 

Example of a productive routine to make time for yourself

To make time for yourself, you just have to get new productive routines, in addition to the ones you already have.


To exemplify this, I will explain my case to you. I have a 2-year-old daughter , who loves to leave toys around the house and transport objects from one place to another.

Every time she went to sleep, I took the opportunity to order the “mess” that she had left in her favorite place, the living room. But, many times when he woke up I was still in the process of picking up the toys.

At first I was concentrating on collecting and wasting many minutes, and even hours. Soon, I realized that getting into a productive routine could leave me some time to myself. So, it would avoid the burden and stress of motherhood.

Thus, I established my productive routine in relation to the fact of collecting my daughter’s toys. To do this, I took into account the layout of my house (to go from the living room to my room I have to go through the kitchen and the room where I keep my daughter’s toys).

What was the new productive routine?

The new routine consisted of:

  • Take a basket and collect all the objects in the room that belonged to my room.
  • Continue to my little girl’s toy room and do the same.
  • Put everything collected in my room.
  • Return to the room and proceed in a similar manner.
  • Take everything that belonged to the living room and do the same in my daughter’s toy room.
  • Leave everything in the room, each element in its place.

In addition, if in my journey, the utensils to transport were very few, then I also took the objects from my girl’s toy room that belonged to my room and vice versa.

In short, with one or two tours I had the living room, my daughter’s toy room and my room almost tidy.


Believe it or not, it ‘s amazing how much time you can save with this simple strategy, which simply consists of doing productive routines back and forth and not concentrating on just one room.

I established these routes in my mind, included them in my daily routines and today I feel relieved to be able to take a moment to rest and breathe easy.

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