How To Motivate Children To Do Their Homework?

We talked about how to ensure that our children’s homework does not become a punishment or a boredom and that they are motivated to do so.
How to motivate children to do homework?

The situation of the children’s chores is, in many homes, an arduous task. And the vast majority of parents wonder how they can motivate children to do homework.

In this sense, we propose some useful strategies for parents to encourage their children to do their homework and get them to incorporate it as a habit that is part of their daily routine.

The much dreaded homework

Even as a child, teachers send their students homework to do at home. And the relevance and objective of homework is that, on the one hand, they help to review and reinforce what is taught in school.

And, on the other hand, the fact of doing homework every day has its reason for being because it allows children to create a habit, both of study, work, perseverance, and order and discipline.

Child doing homework motivated.

Now, precisely to achieve these study habits at home, sometimes, it becomes complicated because, for many children, doing homework is a great displeasure and they do not want to, they get bored, they get distracted, they do not concentrate. As a result, homework time can become a tiring and very frustrating tug of war for both parents and children.

To win the war of children’s homework

First of all, in order to motivate children to do their homework, it is important that parents review some questions first:

  • If the children have a specific schedule to do their homework. Children should internalize homework time as routine and habit. For which, it is always better to get them used to doing their homework at a specific time of day.
  • That the children have their own and adequate place to do their homework. That is, they have an adequate space, away from noise and other distractions, such as television or mobile, and with good lighting.
  • They must be well rested and fed to do their homework with attention and concentration. Which will depend on each child and their hours of meals and sleep.
  • The need for homework help. There are little ones who are more independent and can do their tasks on their own more easily. However, there are others that require a greater presence from their parents, either to help them concentrate and not be distracted, or because there are comprehension and learning difficulties.

How to motivate children to do homework?

A first step in motivating children to do homework is to review the issues that we have described previously, so that, having solved these problems, parents can focus on motivating and encouraging their children to get involved and do with the more you earn your tasks, using strategies like:

Relying on positive reinforcement

It is important that children feel that their effort, discipline and perseverance pay off. In addition to being an obligation, homework must mean achievement and personal improvement for them. With which, congratulating them and mentioning their good progress during the week will make them feel good and will reinforce their self-esteem.

Let them enjoy breaks and recesses

If children know in advance that throughout the time they do their homework they will be able to enjoy a break, this will encourage them to be more focused while doing it.

Therefore, it is important to allow children to take, in the middle of their homework, a recess time of about 10 or 15 minutes. And it is also important to let them choose what to do at that time to rest or to have fun.

Chat and listen to the anecdotes of your children when they do their homework

It is not only important that parents talk with their children about the contents of homework, but also that they do so about their personal things. The little ones are motivated by parents asking them about their day-to-day life at their school, their classmates, their teacher, their games …

Thus, as children advance in their study, parents can ask questions such as: “ And how does your partner Pedro do this? With which partner do you like to play or learn the most? Because?; Do you understand that when your teacher explains it ?; How would you understand it better? ” .

Bored child because his parents do not know how to motivate children to do homework.

In addition, in this way, parents not only show interest in their children’s anecdotes, but they can better understand their academic reality, their progress and their learning needs.

Explain the importance of homework

The more children are able to understand the importance of doing homework, the more motivated they are to do it. For which, it is important that they can establish a connection between school and study, with which they express what they want to be or achieve when they are older.

In this way, it will be much easier to motivate children to do their homework if parents manage to connect them with their emotions. In other words, that children understand that striving every day in their homework is one more step, a grain of sand to be able to achieve their projects and dreams.

Invite them to a chocolate shake …

For many adults, a rich infusion or a good cup of coffee accompanies and motivates them to study or work in front of a computer. Why not think that a child could also be motivated to accompany their homework time with a drink of their liking?

So, dads, invite your children, when they do their homework, to a juice, a glass of milk, or a large chocolate shake; You will see how their motivation and desire to do homework increases without them realizing it.

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