It’s Bedtime! 5 Keys For Your Children To Sleep Better

Good sleep is very important for your health, and it has nothing to do with age! Take advantage of these tips to help your children sleep soundly every day.
Time to go to bed!  5 keys for your children to sleep better

So that your children sleep better, you are mom, we offer you some keys that, we recommend, do not forget.

Remember that a baby who sleeps well means: a happy baby and a rested mother.

5 keys for your children to sleep better

Mom, if you want your children to sleep better:

• Make their environment comfortable
• Give them security
• Raise them with attachment
• Meet their vital needs
• Educate them with routines

Next, we explain each of these points.

Make your environment comfortable

For your baby to sleep better, provide him with a comfortable environment and space.

The crib where you sleep should be comfortable and warm. It should not be laden with stuffed animals or pillows under or on top of which he can finish.

The room, if not in full darkness, because we see that the baby does not feel comfortable, it must be somewhat dark so that the excess light does not bother him.

If we want them to fall asleep and not wake up scared, we have to find a place where there is silence and the ambient noise is not loud.

You have to avoid too tight or too loose clothes with which he can get tangled every time he turns in the crib.

Give them security

Newborn sleeping

Safety is not overprotecting children, but raising them in environments that are free of dangers.

Watch over their physical integrity especially when they are totally unaware of the danger.

Your little one’s crib should be safe, with high rails that he can’t climb when he starts doing the first adventures.

If these balusters are closed with latches, it is necessary to find a way that the child can never open them.

Do not lose sight of the tiny baby for a long time. Well, you never know when you might need us.

If where you live there are usually insects such as mosquitoes, you should put the child in a crib with a mosquito net to avoid harmful and sometimes lethal (due to the many diseases that mosquitoes transmit) insect bites.

And very importantly, mothers of young children should follow the recommendations of pediatricians about the position in which they should sleep (on their side or on their back) to avoid sudden death and other risks to which the baby is exposed at this stage. .

Raise them with attachment

Attachment parenting is one through which we raise our children with love, dedication, dedication …

Unlike what some believe, we do not make them dependent on us, we make them children sure of themselves, of their qualities and skills and with an admirable emotional intelligence.

Attachment parenting means raising confident human beings that they can achieve full autonomy when the time is right.

This method will also give us the opportunity to enjoy as much time as possible with our children and be present in their development and growth that not infrequently Mom and Dad get out of hand like water itself.


A child who receives kisses, hugs, affection to go to sleep …

A minor to whom we sing and read stories or do the same fantastic stories that our grandparents told us in our childhood will have a pleasant and happy dream.

You will not fear the coconut in the bathroom or the shadow man in the closet.

You will not have to leave the door open so that the bustle and light from outside will enter, you will not pee on the mattress, nor will it slip under our sheets during the early mornings.

If your child receives all the love you can give him and knows that you will always be there when he needs you, he will sleep carefree and safe.

Covers your vital needs

It goes without saying that a minor who goes to bed with an empty belly, dirty or with a wet diaper or underwear, will not be able to sleep well, or even fall asleep.

For your children to sleep better, you must cover, whenever necessary, all their vital needs.

Educate them with routines

Routines at the time of sleep tell the child that it is time to sleep, they even serve to make him want to go to bed.

If at sleep time, instead of forcing him to bed, you invite him to wash his hands and pee early to take a bottle, while you read a story from the book that has many figures, your child will adore that moment.

Tomorrow, when it’s time to rest, he may even ask you to change your clothes and get into bed together to relax and look through the same book again.

Children’s sleep routines are a way of inviting them and letting them know without words that it is time for rest.

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