Lack Of Energy In Children. To Do?

Many times the lack of energy in children is due to our little ones not getting enough rest during the day. But this is not the only reason that can cause this deficit. In this article we will tell you more about why our children are sometimes so tired.
Lack of energy in children.  To do?

Children are a huge source of vitality and energy, so when we notice that their energy is reduced, we find it worrying. This lack of energy in children can sometimes be due to pure physical fatigue, but there are cases in which this is not the reason and it begins to affect health. Here are a series of tips to act in case you see your child without energy for several days.


In the first place, and avoiding all topics, you should not only eat foods rich in iron. It is true that they must be included in meals more continuously, but the important thing is that the child has a balanced diet. 

  • From one and a half years of age and up to 9 years it is advisable to drink half a liter of milk a day. If you want to take more dairy, it is advisable to use another format, such as yogurts.
  • The inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the diet is essential.
  • We must pay special attention to those products that contain vitamin C, as they help to strengthen the body.
  • Avoid saturated fats that are included in convenience foods or fast food.
  • Include fiber in your meals to promote good intestinal transit.

Get enough sleep

Many times children do not sleep the necessary hours and the next day they feel tired. If this happens regularly, the energy ends up totally diminishing. Next, we leave you the recommended hours that a child should sleep according to their age:

  • From 3 to 5 years: between 10 and 13 hours, counting the nap time.
  • Between 6 and 12: between 9 and 12 hours a day.
  • From 13 to 18: between 8 and 10 hours a day.
    Little girl sleeping with her teddy bear.

It is essential that you talk to your child about this and explain the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and rest in order to be active during the day. You can make a daily or weekly planning that includes the hours of study, leisure and sleep (approximate time to go to bed and time to get up) to meet certain objectives.

Express feelings

Going to school or institute, studying for exams, doing homework, training with the team, helping at home … These are some of the actions of daily life that a child performs. On many occasions they are overwhelmed by this accumulation of tasks because they cannot get to finish them. There, stress begins to increase and the lack of energy in children is noticeable.

If this situation continues for a long time, the child may start to have negative thoughts and go into a depressive situation. If you notice this happening to him, talk to him and let him show his feelings and thoughts. Go to a specialist if you perceive that the situation is more serious than it seems.

Health problems: anemia

Sometimes this lack of energy in children is not only due to physical and mental fatigue, but it is also a health problem. If you notice your child is tired on a regular basis and this does not improve despite sleeping the corresponding hours and following several other tips, go to the doctor with him. 

Anemia is a condition that occurs when there are not enough red blood cells in the blood, which are responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. An anemia that is not serious at first will not have a clear and demonstrable symptomatology, so, as we said before, if you notice the child tired for several days, go to the doctor for a blood test.

Encouraging sports in children helps them to be more active and, in the long run, reduces the lack of energy.

Perform exercise

One of the best ways to prevent a lack of energy in children is to get moderate exercise at least twice a week. Most children love sports and having to be in constant movement, so choose an activity with them that they like and add it to their daily routine. If doing sports makes you happy, your emotional levels will increase as will your energy.

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