Martial Arts For Children

Playing sports helps children grow up healthy and strong physically and mentally. In that sense, martial arts are a great option. Do you know its advantages for the little ones?
Martial arts for kids

When considering the idea of ​​enrolling the little ones in a sporting activity, surely the first options that come to mind are soccer or swimming. However, martial arts for children have become popular as a sports alternative for them.

Certainly, when you think about these disciplines, some people inevitably associate them with violence, hitting and falling; However, the reality is that it is an integral sport that improves concentration and values ​​and seeks spiritual harmony.

It should be noted that in martial arts for children they are not taught to be aggressive or violent, as some think. During the fights, they are taught that it is not important to win or lose, but to enjoy having participated.

An environment is created in which the teacher not only teaches the sports part, but also serves as a guide to forge the mind and character and provides the child with tools and values ​​such as respect, self-confidence and self-control.

This makes martial arts for children an ideal sport for those who are very impulsive, have poor concentration, low self-esteem or have problems socializing.

Benefits of martial arts for children

By practicing these disciplines, the child not only performs physical exercises that improve their flexibility and resistance, but,  at the same time, learns a self-defense mechanism.

Among the many benefits of martial arts are:

Physical benefits

  • They improve their motor skills and increase their endurance, agility, strength and flexibility thanks to the movements they practice.
  • Posture is corrected and muscles are strengthened.
  • Because they focus on their bodies more frequently, they respond better to commands and increase their ability to coordinate and discipline.
Martial arts for children have many benefits.

Psychological benefits

  • Increase self- confidence.
  • They learn sports values in an environment of positive competitiveness.
  • They acquire values ​​that are the basis of eastern disciplines such as respect, hard work and humility.
  • Increases the ability to concentrate.
  • Instill respect for rules and authority figures.
  • They help reduce behavior problems.

Martial arts for children also have many other benefits that, unlike other sports, help even children with attention or learning difficulties.  This is due to the following factors:

  • They allow obtaining short-term achievements and individually:  through each stage passed, children are awarded with ribbons of different colors, which generates confidence and security in them.
  • They improve memory by repetitively performing routines that allow you to advance to the next level and add more movements.
  • They alleviate stress in an atmosphere of tranquility, a lot of respect and good behavior in and out of class.

    This sport can look very attractive for our children, but several questions arise for parents, such as: What elements are necessary to practice these sports? At what age can a child start martial arts? which are the most appropriate?

    To practice any martial art for children, our little ones will only need special suits, usually white. They are made up of a jacket, pants and a colored belt, which will change in relation to their level.

    Starting at the age of three, there are many types of martial arts that boys can practice.  Those that require more coordination and control are recommended for children over five years of age.

    Most common martial arts for kids

    • Taekowndo: it  is a combat sport that uses feet, hands and other parts of the body. Even when it is recommended from the age of four, its practice can be adapted to all ages.
    • Judo : discipline that seeks to immobilize rather than hit; the mission is to take down the adversary using one’s own strength, coordination, balance and dexterity. Children can practice it from the age of three.
    • Karate:  in this type of martial art, the hands and legs are used almost exclusively to perform the blows; the main thing is the mastery of the body posture, the observation and the analysis of the opponent’s movements. The main aim is to block, avoid blows and the opportunity to reach weak points in the opponent.
    Far from being violent, the martial arts for children transmit important lessons to the little ones.

    Playing sports from a very young age, in addition to fun or entertainment for the little ones, is a way to keep your body healthy; With them, they strengthen their physical capacities and become less prone to diseases.

    Like any other sport, in martial arts for children the perseverance and support of parents play a primary factor, whether in their daily practices or in presentations and championships.

    Sport helps with health and, in addition to the many benefits it brings,  strengthens ties between families and friends. 

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