Measures For Babies With Coronavirus

The coronavirus continues to keep all alerts activated. Here we tell you the measures to take in babies with coronavirus.
Measures for babies with coronavirus

COVID-19 is the virus that keeps all alarms activated and that has interrupted normal life in some countries. Thousands of cases have been declared around the world. In this article we will tell you some general information and the measures to be taken in babies with coronavirus.

What is the coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that usually affect animals. Within this family, there are many different types. Some of them can mutate and end up infecting people.

This is the case with the SARS-CoV-2 strain. This strain was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. Since then,  its ease of spread has caused the number of cases throughout the world to increase dramatically.

What symptoms does it produce?

For most infected people, the coronavirus passes as an asymptomatic infection, that is, the person does not present any signs that make us see that they are sick. The most common, especially in children and babies, is that it produces mild and nonspecific symptoms, such as any cold.

Prevention against coronavirus.
Source: Government of the Canary Islands

When it does produce symptoms, these are usually a dry cough, fever, and a feeling of shortness of breath. It can also cause muscle pain, tiredness and general malaise.

However it is not always so. In a minority of cases, this virus  can cause pneumonia or even death from respiratory failure. These cases occur, above all, in a susceptible population, such as the elderly, or in people with a depressed immune system.

How is COVID-19 transmitted?

The transmission of the virus between people occurs by small particles that travel in the air. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, these particles come out and can travel 1 or 2 meters. The virus can be transmitted even when the infected person has no symptoms.

These particles can remain on everyday objects such as tables, doorknobs, cutlery …  Or fall directly on someone. When an uninfected person touches an infected object and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth with their hands, the virus can enter that person.

Babies with coronavirus: what to do?

Young babies do not yet have a fully mature immune system. This is why we must take special care and vigilance with them.

How is coronavirus diagnosed in babies?

As in adults, babies who are suspected of being infected with coronavirus will be tested for secretions from the nose and throat. It will be the specialist in charge of the baby who decides if the test is necessary or does not meet criteria.

One of the babies with coronavirus.

What happens if I test positive for the infection?

Once it has been confirmed that it is positive, there may be two situations:

  1. Positive baby, but asymptomatic. In these cases, the baby will be admitted to hospital and will remain in an isolated room under continuous surveillance. Breastfeeding will be interrupted, if any. Visits will be limited to a healthy family member who will come with due protection to avoid contagion.
    • The baby will be continuously monitored for vital signs and the necessary chest X-rays will be performed to check its progress. All possible complications will be monitored.
  2. Positive baby with symptoms. In these cases, in addition to all the above measures, the symptoms should be treated. This will be done the same as in adults. Antipyretics (medicines for fever) and support measures, such as hydration, will be used according to the doses stipulated for your age and weight. Also, in the case of young babies, the functions of the liver, kidney and heart will be measured.

How long will a baby with coronavirus be admitted?

Babies who are doing well will be able to go home once they test negative for two separate virus tests in more than 24 hours. In addition, it will be necessary for them to have been without fever for 3 or more days. They will also need to have improved their chest X-rays.

Therefore, as regards the measures for babies with coronavirus …

We must be clear that the data we have so far on the virus show that it is milder in infants and young children than in the older population. Therefore, the key is to stay calm.

In the event that our baby presents any symptoms compatible with coronavirus infection, this will be the procedure that we must carry out. The most important thing, as always, will be to follow the instructions and heed the recommendations that the specialists tell us.

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