Menu For 12-month-old Babies: The New Flavors Are Here

From 12 months, babies begin to experience great changes in the body. Nutritional needs are increasing at this time, so it is necessary to plan an appropriate menu.
12-month-old baby menu: new flavors are here

Babies of 12 months are already able to introduce a wide spectrum of foods into the diet. At this time the nutritional needs increase, so it is important to avoid the deficit of micronutrients that conditions the proper functioning of the body.

For this reason, we are going to present you a series of healthy menus that can meet the demands of the baby. In addition, they will contribute to promoting a good nutritional education, so that good habits will be implemented that will be maintained easier in the future.

What should you keep in mind?

It is essential to ensure variety in the diet of a 12-month-old baby. Respecting the pediatrician’s instructions, the more products are consumed regularly, the better. Of course, you have to check that there are no allergies and food intolerances, which would force you to avoid certain products. To do this, you need to be aware of the symptoms.

Mother feeding her 12 month old baby.

In any case, it must be borne in mind that during this period the needs to supplement the diet with breast milk or with a bottle continue to exist. Thus, all the nutrients that are needed will be introduced into the body.

Diet for a 12 month old baby

We are going to explain how to make a proper diet for a 12-month-old baby.


At breakfast you will have to choose between offering breastfeeding or a bottle with formula milk. As far as possible, it will be optimal to opt for the first option. Breast milk has proven to be the best quality milk for the baby, as pointed out by a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics .

However, care must be taken when offering formula milks, since they usually contain added sugars in their composition. These ingredients must be avoided to ensure good health.


The most recommended thing to consume at lunch is the fruit porridge. It is advisable to mix different varieties to ensure a good supply of antioxidants and vitamins. These foods also contain fiber, which will help stimulate the growth of the bacteria that make up the microbiota.


At noon it will be necessary to offer a portion of proteins of high biological value. It is necessary to meet the needs of these nutrients, which during childhood are in a higher range than other stages of life. This is evidenced by research published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism .

To achieve an optimal meal, it will be necessary to combine a food of animal origin with at least one vegetable. In addition, you can also introduce a quality carbohydrate, such as a tuber or rice. Thus, an adequate carbohydrate intake is achieved.


At snack time it is time to offer a yogurt. But it is essential that it is natural and sugar-free, if possible. This food has probiotics in its composition, bacteria that selectively colonize the digestive tract generating a benefit on the host.

12 month old baby having a yogurt snack.


To conclude the day, you can prepare a vegetable puree with different varieties of vegetables and with a food that ensures the presence of proteins of high biological value. A piece of fish can be key at this time. It could even be complemented with a last feeding of breast milk if necessary or if the child is still underweight.

Tips for successful feeding in 12-month-old babies

In order to meet nutritional requirements, it is important to make the baby’s diet by using fresh food. The fewer industrial or processed products that appear in the guideline, the better. The latter usually contain added sugars or trans fats in their composition that are harmful.

At the same time, supplementation with some nutrients may be considered in certain situations. However, it is optimal to first consult with the specialist before introducing any dietary supplement.

Planning a good diet for 12-month-old babies is crucial

From the first year of life, the baby undergoes great development in the body. Nutritional needs are increasing and it is necessary to ensure that they are met. Otherwise, health problems could be experienced in the medium term, thus conditioning well-being.

Also, remember that until the first year, breast milk should be part of the usual diet. In the case of choosing a formula product, it will be necessary to read the labeling carefully.

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