Mom, Love Me So That I Have The Courage To Leave You

Mom, love me so that I have the courage to leave you

Mom, love me so that I have the courage to leave you. Love me so much that I can be sure that you will always remain by my side even if I don’t see you. Trust you and trust me, let my existence make sense when we are not together, little by little I will get loose.

Love me, do not catch me and remain, show me that what surrounds us is also safe. Love me so that I lose my fears and can venture to explore a world in which there are people I do not know and objects that I have not seen or touched yet.

You know? Babies need to know that they love us as much as they eat. It is the only way to feel capable of exploring and believing ourselves to be brave in each attempt. I know that whatever happens in you I will find the protection I need.

You are my natural tranquilizer, my base camp

Mom, you have to know that the way I explore and build my scaffolding will depend on the way you respond to me when I seek you out and ask for your approval.

You should know that in less than three months I will have already acquired a certain stability in the way I behave. I will know, more or less, what our relationship is like, how I can go in your search and how much “tranquilizer” I will find in your looks, in your arms and in your words.

I am sure that when I cry you will know how to calm me down. Don’t be in a hurry, it’s probably not easy sometimes, but we can always play things that help me learn. Your gestures and the melody of your voice will build a coherent and calming world that will allow me to feel good even if I am scared.


When I turn my first year

By the time I am a year old I will have established my little character. I will be much more predictable and we will both know my way of expressing my anguish, to calm myself, to compromise strangers, to flee from them or even to hit them with my little hand.

Realize the change this makes. Before I behaved as it seemed to me, but now I begin to understand what you expect of me. So I try to get rid of my perceptions and try to understand that I have to relativize the world and try to complete the puzzle of expectations and desires.

Behind all this there are a lot of emotions, beliefs and intentions that can be complex for me. In fact, it will take us years (and why not say it, also discussions) for me to understand that I have to follow rules.

That’s why I’m asking you for your patience, Mom. I want you to enjoy this stage of my life with me. Don’t stress, I am yours and you are mine. I am a lucky baby to have my dear mom so close, so unconditional and so loving.

The secret of raising safe and happy children

The fact that a baby becomes an explorer means that his environment serves as a base camp for him. This is the secret to raising safe and happy children.

To do this, we must first know how his character will develop, so that we understand him and help him to discover his environment in complete safety. Thus, we will promote the development of their capacities for expression and emotional and, therefore, behavioral management.

This will favor a balanced growth that will allow them to explore different ways of acquiring knowledge about what surrounds them and what will shape their life.

I love you from your first heartbeat

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