Mom, Today I Can Say Thank You For What You Told Me And I Didn’t Want To Listen

Mom, today I can say thank you for what you told me and I did not want to listen

Saying thank you is not enough if I take into account how much you have done for me throughout my life. You did not take into account the work and personal opportunities that you left behind to dedicate yourself entirely to my upbringing. My gratitude for all the wise advice you gave me is small, and at the time, I didn’t want to listen.

Thank you, thank you a thousand times for having guided this stubborn creature who could reach bigger prizes if he had listened to you in time; but that he is extremely happy for the conquests that, with your help, he was able to achieve.

What you told me and I didn’t want to hear

I remember that during my childhood there were not a few hours that you sat next to me to talk about my fears, problems, needs, the doubts that, as a child, surfaced in me.


In every talk you had advice to give me. You knew me, and you knew what to say at the exact moment.

I also remember that most of the time my dreams and desires went against what you wanted, the education you were giving me and the experiences of others: experiences that you made known to me so that, as we popularly say, I would learn from someone else’s head.

But of course, that 14-year-old girl, who was already entering adolescence, did not want to pay attention to what her mother said.

She was too old and “mature” to know what she wanted and to make her own decisions.

Yes, 20 years ago you told me everything I didn’t want to hear:

Stop wasting time with your friends and dedicate yourself more to studying

Prepare for the future that is coming your way. Enter the university to graduate from a career, whichever you choose, for me, anyone is fine.

I just want you, my daughter, to have more job opportunities than I have, to grow professionally and to be a prepared woman.


The bride and groom will arrive when you get older

Now that I memorize those words, I think that anyone who would have listened to you back then would believe that you advised me badly, how could a mother talk about boyfriends to her 14-year-old daughter?

However, you, foresighted as always, were right. I and many other girls my age with just 14 years were already falling in love.

We dreamed of the biggest, most independent boys and, above all, those who stood out the most.

You knew what you were talking about.

Choose your friends better. Those whom you have as friends, deep down, they are not

What anger I felt towards you when you criticized my friends and told me that I should not be with them, listen to them and even less, tell them my secrets.

In those moments I felt an immense desire to leave the house and go live with anyone.

Good thing I didn’t, otherwise I never would have had a chance to realize you were right.

Mom, today I can say thank you for what you told me and I did not want to listen

“I love you more than anyone in the world. Everything I tell you and do is for your good ”.

“If you listen to me, you will go far. Remember that I am the voice of experience, and once I have gone through everything you go through now ”.

Mom, today I can say thank you for everything you told me and I did not want to listen. Also because of your demands and even the moral punishments you gave me.


All of them made me reason, leave behind my stubborn adolescence and listen to you.

I owe you my university degree, the one that should bear yours more than my name.

I have to thank you for the comfortable life that I lead. Only by having the hard-earned job can I enjoy my family, my financial freedom, and free time like the one I have.

You are responsible for the solid and great marriage that I have, because you knew how to educate me on the basis of love, trust and respect: values ​​that sustain it.

You spoke to me thousands of times about mother’s love. But only today, when I find myself raising a baby, do I realize what it really means.

I hope my daughter, in her adolescence, does not give me the headaches that I gave you in mine. But if so, I will have the necessary patience and courage to advise her well.

Luckily, I hope I can count on your help so that I don’t face that campaign alone.

Today I want to say thank you for everything you did and do for me.

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