Mothers Are A Bridge To Love And Freedom

Mothers are a bridge to love and freedom

Moms have the future in their hands. Yes, likewise, neither more nor less. Why? You may ask: Well, because, among other things, they are raising those who will be adults when we are already retired. In the future it will be your children who will have to choose, every day and with every action, between love and freedom or repression and violence ; that’s the same choice you have to make with every action or decision you make.

Mothers are a kind of bridge between past parenting that has been fraught with violence of some kind, and current parenting, one that seeks to become increasingly conscious and humanized. Sometimes it seems an exaggeration to say that the parenting system our parents used was violent, however, the violence is so subtle that it goes unnoticed, but yelling at a child is a violent act.

What happens is that in our societies violence is often so institutionalized that we do not perceive it clearly. However, the idea is not to criticize the past but to take advantage of the present moment to do our best to change our parenting method.

That is why you should never lose sight of the fact that the future, one that can be full of love and people who feel free, also depends on you, because mothers have the valuable mission of teaching their children to love and live freely. .


Become a bridge to love and freedom

How can a mother teach her child to love freely? Well, loving it with freedom. Your child will learn, like most children, first from what he sees at home and then from what he sees at school, among other places. But, ultimately, his first example is his parents, from them he will learn most things, especially he will learn to love to the same extent that he feels loved and in that area, you as his mother have a leading role.

Almost no mother in the world has a hard time loving her child. In addition, the love that a mother feels for her child is so special: so delicate and so deep that it borders on the concept of purest love, which is unconditional.

“Women are the hinge between the past of repression, obscurantism and hatred; and the future we want of mobility, freedom and creative pursuits. We women will have to understand the direct relationship between primary love and freedom. Between the repression of love and violence ”.

-Laura Gutman, writer and psychotherapist-

Loving without conditions: A challenge that we must reach


What could you do to start loving your children unconditionally? First of all, be available to them. Unreservedly offer them your breasts not only to breastfeed them but also to sleep on them, so that they feel your warmth and also the warmth of your arms, so that they calm down with your smell, so that they feel safe. Otherwise our children will feel abandoned, vulnerable and perhaps they will learn to suffer because they are afraid.

Loving your child unconditionally and attending with total care and disposition to all his physical and especially emotional needs, at least during the first nine months of his life, will make a significant difference in his personality, which will be marked by your style. upbringing, since giving this kind of care and love strengthens the already deep bond that exists between every mother and her child.

Loving freely requires maturity.  Well, to love in that way it is necessary to recognize when we fall into the mistakes of our upbringing; Those that come out unconsciously, but that we can unquestionably identify and correct.

Loving freely also requires that we learn to respect our children’s emotions, strengths, and weaknesses; In fact, learning to recognize it as it is without trying to change it is a great step towards that perfect love that is unconditional. Loving freely is a challenge, it is true, but it is no less true that there is no challenge that a mother in love is not capable of overcoming.

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