My Son Is Very Sensitive. How Can I Help Him To Overcome Difficulties?

My son is very sensitive! You are likely to be distressed by it, thinking that your little one is exaggerating situations a lot. However, this is normal in many children, who develop a high sensitivity. It is only necessary to learn to understand them and help them control their feelings.
My son is very sensitive. How can I help him to overcome difficulties?

All human beings have a large number of emotions and some develop more than others. However, there are some who show their feelings much more. That is why perhaps certain parents or yourself say “my son is very sensitive. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Rather, it has many positives. Learn a little more about them and how to help your kids get the most out of it below.

How to know if my child is very sensitive?

There are many factors that can indicate  that you have a sensitive child at home, whom you should take care of with a lot of love. Here are the most important ones:

  • Sensitive children tend to be very affectionate. Therefore, they need to be shown a lot of love and that they love them.
  • Your ability to feel is much stronger than normal. In fact, your feelings and emotions are so intense that you can become overwhelmed.
  • Sensitive children are generally considered more mature than others. This is because they show deep understanding and empathy for others.
  • Also, whatever they do or say to you affects them too much.
  • If your child is very sensitive, he will avoid tense and conflictive environments at all costs.
  • It is very likely that they tend to suffer from fear.
  • Perhaps your senses are highly developed. In addition, they relate the aromas, colors and flavors with a specific moment or lived experiences.
  • They have a very good intuition to recognize if someone likes something or not.

    Positive aspects of children being sensitive

    A smaller percentage of children are considered to be sensitive in temperament. However, this is not a disease or something to call them weird about. So instead of saying “my son is very sensitive,” you could say how beautiful my son’s personality is! And it is that a child with great sensitivity is capable of perceiving the world in a different way.

    In addition, they do not act out of impulse, but stop to think about all the possibilities. They know what pain is, so they avoid feeling it as much as they can. They understand the suffering of others, so it is common for them to give advice to those who need it.

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    They are usually very creative and intelligent. In fact, in their drawings they capture what they like or affect the most. This ability to be sensitive is necessary in artists such as painters or musicians.

    If my child is very sensitive, what does he need to calm down?

    Children who have very strong feelings may feel overwhelmed. To help them relax and calm down , you can take them to be in contact with nature. It could be a beach, the field or the park, perhaps. Here are other details about your little one’s needs:

    • Ask questions such as: Can I help you in any way? What are you thinking about? How you feel? What do you need?
    • It is important that you listen carefully every time you do not understand. For sure, he will tell you what happens to him.
    • Don’t push it. He needs you to give him time to adjust to new situations. Sensitive children have a hard time adjusting to changes. In addition, when trying to integrate with a group of other children, it will require first observing a good time and then interacting.
    • You should also help him cope with adversity. For this, encourage him to feel safe with himself, to say no when he does not want to do something. Invite him to express his ideas and feelings without embarrassment. And, furthermore, urge him to defend himself when they make fun of him.
    • Also teach him to be a little stronger, so that he does not feel that difficulties are tragedies, but opportunities to give the best of himself.

    In short, your child being very sensitive is not a bad thing. Rather, it is an opportunity for you to understand him and develop a special relationship with him. So understand it and love it just the way it is. You may find it difficult to understand his way of seeing things, but this is what he needs the most. If you can’t understand it, who will? All children require that their parents accept them and be always with them; a little sensitive, much more.

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